Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Present Is The Aim

A person knows if they are living right. They also know if they are not living right, too! This is directly measured by how many questions you ask yourself. The wise ask less, the foolish ask more. It is not my responsibility to see that you are or are not living right, it is yours and mine is mine. Sometimes in living and many times during my lifetime there has always existed the fear of finality. An illusion of finiteness for lack of a better word. Nonetheless, I have tried to see this masked illusion of the false one and finally came to an aura of simplistic explanation. I do this for myself and for anyone who experiences the illusory visions of death, the end of life, including any fatal destinies or any unaccomplished purposes. Unfortunately, many of us have learned that the book of revelation is one that, historically, creates fear and damnation to any and all readers. This is just not true. It is a very loving book and the basis of a new found strength for me today. A book of great promise and reward. It is unfortunate that as children, a handful of idiots stood behind a box and mis-interpreted it's promise and strength believing in only it's eternal (classic definition) implications and damnations. Since I am one that must approach life practically, I have discarded any living value of fire or brimstone (it literally scared my children to death and with their father's hand ran as far and as fast as possible away from that tyrannic satire for ever). Find a bible. I prefer the NIV because I do not speak in thee, thou and thine. Turn to Revelation 22:12. It reads: "Behold, I am coming soon. My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End". Let me first say, that this is love and encouragement, at it's best. You and I are not to worry, Christ is the beginning and the end. He is YOUR life's beginning and he is YOUR life's end, so you are not to worry, that is his job and I think he can handle what you can't. Be not afraid, instead focus on his greatest gift and the basis of all his teachings, The Awareness of the Present Moment. The Here and Now in Life is where your relationship exists with God and it can be in no other place. Our only conscious relationship is in the present with him, for that is where the kingdom lies and also, where our work lies. He is the alpha and omega, you are not. You are now free from it's worry. His reward is with him, not you. You can do nothing to earn it, he will give it to you. You no longer have to toil, period (his yoke is light so be good-hearted and cheerful). This can be experienced now, not later. Contentment can be had now, peace is waiting. "I will give according to what he has done". There is no mention of punishment here. Those box standers made you believe in some punishment in accordance to works. That is not what Christ implies. He does not come to judge or condemn, neither should you of yourself, others of you nor you of others. This is the utmost of encouragement that you try to understand and follow his loving commandments. Not perfect adherence, but the best you can. Your success lies 100% in the effort. The results are his and are in him alone. Live free in the moment or be condemned outside of it. It is your choice, he gave that to you. blessings, r

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