Thursday, March 11, 2010

In Morning...

You do not speak the truth, the truth speaks to you. One such truth is that the mind, when left alone and consciously isolated, is nothing more than a bunch of useless chatter. Oh, it has a place, but it appears to be limited, if not purely elementary, to rehearsed rudiments of logic and scheming. In fact, if the operation of my heart was left up to my mind, I would have been dead a long time ago. I am watching the sun rise this morning and it is doing just that. If the rising of the sun were up to me and my useless, chatter-filled mind, the day would already be over. My mind is like a man frantically running around a boat. He believes that all the scurrying and the energy he is spending is going to move the boat faster to it's port. When, in fact, he can do nothing and need do nothing to push the boat to it's destination. So, my mind has no real aim and I believe that it is incapable of such a purpose. It thinks it knows what to do. It spends all it's time trying to convince me that it knows, but has yet to establish any foundation of real truth. My mind is purely a mechanism for receiving orders and carrying out orders. It is not capable of any real transcendentalization. There is a higher intelligence. The proof is that the answer came before the question. The mind is not the answer, it can only pose a question. There is an inherent operation, within oneself, that knows exactly what to do. I need only slow down my frenzied mind-thought and listen. I must consciously say to this main-frame wannabe, "NO, you have no authority in what you say and I will no longer sacrifice my life to your trivial inner workings!" This is right effort. This prepares a path for me and allows truth to speak, to reverse the process. Listening to real instruction will require me to slow down and listen with all my senses. It will require that I command my mind to stop all it's speedy nonsense and shake my head, if need be, to a present wakefulness. May a day come when I can live, instantly, and see, constantly, in the present, rather than far away. The sun rises and sets on a higher order, and so too, can I. blessings, r

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