Sunday, March 21, 2010


Chronic nicotine use creates its own artificial
sense of normalcy, an addiction comfort level.
Yes, each fix brought the addict in us a true
sense of relief (from the pains of our own
addiction) and yes, most of those memories
still remain. However, one critical factor has
changed. Our brain no longer has a chemical
need for nicotine.
-Joel Speitzer - Law of Addiction

I am in Day 8 of total freedom from nicotine. It is very difficult and I am just mostly pissed off all the time. I only thought I was this person who was wise and understanding or even loving. These established boundaries, therefore, are not real, but propagated by my own ego in the presence of nicotine (or dopamine). This proves, once again, that a healthy spiritual life excludes, totally, not only the perceptions and views of others about you, but also, not excluding, the views and perceptions of oneself. How many selves are within a man? I feel out-of-body without the sensation of a dopamine rush from nicotine. This is quite an experience. I am learning the true Law of Addiction. That once it is establish, there is no kill and no cure, it can only be arrested. To all of my addictive comrades who are reading with me and struggling the good fight: It is not your fault. This is the fight before us, but what is different today is that we have the Power of Knowledge. blessings, r

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