Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Okay, I must get something straight. I am not God, so do not whine and complain to me. Believe it or not, I have my own problems and they have little to do with you. If I intentionally stick out my foot and trip you, then I apologize. You may not, however, continue to point the finger at me every time you trip and fall. This is what the rest of the world is doing and look at them. They are still pointing, blaming and tripping and have been doing so since the dawn of man. It is nothing new. Oh, you of little faith! Can I not raise myself above my own humanity? Do I not see that my so called "contentedness" is really fear, illusion and ignorant procrastination? Can I not see it? The world says, "Oh it is only being human." If being lazy, accusatory and fearful is human, I want no part of it. I will not settle for the "Slothful It." I cannot afford the blame and complain game and neither can you. So stop. Do yourself, the world and me a favor and just stop.

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