Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Calling the Bluff

There are very few who care and it is necessary to seek them out. I have a limited few, but how precious they are to me. It is a holocaust for me to find myself withdrawn and isolated. Let me tell you with love and understanding: Very few people in this world are REALLY happy. It is my primary purpose to live what is before me. To live it fully and earnestly with ruthless awareness to what is in me and what is around me. It is easy to bail, but where will I hide? There is no place to run, no matter how fast I have become. Turn and look. Call the bluff. Fear, shame, guilt and anxiety are all soldiers in the evil one's army. I used to be a general in that army, but today, I have been reduced to the rank of captain. Keep trying. Vernon Howard said it best, "What you want, also wants you." Blessings, r

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