Thursday, May 21, 2009


I have seriously considered myself a television set. I have noticed that I really don't send anything, at least nothing new. Everything that comes out of me was first received, then was followed by a reaction (of which a conditioned transmission followed). Before you call the straight jacket brigade, follow me for a moment. If I truly consider myself a receiving unit then everything I have formed, in my mind and heart, is based on the translation of a program. That program is based on what I have already received (whether it be pleasurable or unpleasurable) and formatted. Any new transmission can only result in a change of the program and how it receives data (thoughts, feelings, sensations and emotions). "Dude, you've lost it. We're calling in a specialist." Hang on a minute, hear me out! What if I were to trace the first episode back to it's origin (usually a traumatic incident), and document all (attributed) patterns from their origin to the present? This can be done with any physical, mental, emotional or spiritual condition. That what I suffer from is nothing new, but has been building with many, many recurrences using the same anecdote (many times I suppress the obvious because it does not line up with what I think I need for myself). If I suffer, then the anecdote is wrong. Try to see this. I have suffered from EBV my entire life. There is no cure because it is viral and there is no BIG money in it. So be it, I am one of the few and I suffer real pain and infection from it. I have traced it back to many episodic occurrences and in doing my own research, have found a way to live comfortably by re-programming. With no cure (or need for a cure), I can enjoy life by adjusting to what I have received, based on my own cause-effect research. I can gain strength in living according to my true make-up and not by one society creates or my mind conjures up as the way my life should be. I should never forget the things that I have allowed to form my past. I can trace all abnormalities, with unbiased historical investigation, to the cause, which in turn, bring more opportunities to find more about myself. That procedure to seek is not limited to a specific median and offers wonderful strength and wisdom to the complexities called me. Blessings, r

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