Tuesday, May 19, 2009

House Husband

A male, married to a woman, who has been graciously made lord of his home. He is responsible to sincerely bring great pleasure to his spouse and see that everyone in his home feel welcome and important. His words are not an important trait, especially those that are harmful and/or are about himself. He may be a source of income, but this is not his primary duty. He must do dishes, attend to the laundry and make his bed. He must attend to things that are within his make-up and is not allowed to play mind games with his household. He is not entitled to hang anything he does over any of his residence, unless his spouse approves. He is not greater nor equal and should always consider himself a servant. He is not allowed to be prideful or condescending. His only title is Spiritual Leader of the Home. This title is never to be taken lightly. His studies of spiritual concepts must be done and up-dated daily. He can never be certified nor have any authority. If he hears the words Dad, Daddy or honey, he may cry to himself quietly. When he is alone he should be grateful, pray to his Father and always rejoice to have been considered for this very important assignment. He should never consider anything in his household as an opportunity to become selfish. He must share his possessions with his household and offer instruction to the operation of any "said" possession. He cannot be bailed out by anyone or anything and should never express an opinion on outside issues. He should strive to be understanding, loving and comforting and should not expect to receive anything for his efforts. Above all, he must never day dream, live in hope or possess wishful thinking. He must lead a life that is humble, simple and practical. Blessings, r

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