Friday, January 8, 2010

House With A White Picket Fence

I see that you are still fighting with yourself. There is no controlling of any given situation, whether it be invited or circumstance. You either fight it or you ride it. Please understand that this "it" can not and need not, be controlled by you. This is asleepened wrong thinking. This is especially true if you are trying to guide it, to make it turn out the way your illusions are demanding it turn out. This house with the white picket fence, that you so frequently visit and defend, has nothing to do with your present reality. Your present reality, in fact, is being built for you, but you will never see it as long as you think you are the one that must do the bidding. Step away from it and let the winds of the now carry you. Stop worrying. The one thing that Christ spent the most time with was fear and worry. Don't be afraid. He said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you," and "let not your heart be troubled." Secondly, "Is all your worrying going to add one minute to your life?" In this very moment, you have a God-given ability to step back from all of it and allow yourself to be carried. This is exactly what is happening, so ride it. You can place yourself in the one who has overcome all things or the one who overcomes nothing. It is your choice. Blessings, r

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