Monday, January 11, 2010


Consider this.... 99.9 percent of all of your thoughts have something to do with you. Within this stream of ongoing pictures, you are either the protagonist or the antagonist. You orchestrate all of your movements, all of your decisions, all of your beliefs, all of your feelings on preconceived notions and within these flighty, unsubstantiated whims you unconsciously defend and attack, appease and please your selfish desires, passions and activities. No wonder we are so top heavy and are so far removed from our true essence. It is a victory if we see this fact. It is progress if we allow ourselves to stop this conditioned madness and see what we have allowed to transpire because of our deep sleep. There can be no change, there can be no transformation until we snap the cruel phenomena we accept as "I", for it is within these adopted sons that we find ourselves in the middle of all war, hatred, anger, deceit and confusion and we filter ourselves away from true love, peace and compassion. You are not different from mankind. As long as there is conflict and confusion within yourself, you are not living in harmony and you have not freed yourself from the tyranny of choice. Wake up! Blessings, r

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