Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New You

Never allow anyone (brother, sister, father, mother, enemy, preacher or best friend) to keep you from finding and becoming the person you want to be. Instead, ask yourself want you want out of yourself. Look and see what you are and what forces you are allowing to guide your current life. This is not difficult. There are only 2 forces in the universe. There is a force governed by light and that predicated by darkness. An investigation is required to see and understand how these life principles actively tug at your soul. In fact we are the prize. More of one, generates more of itself. Look at the components of each to detect their characteristics. It is important to not take yourself too seriously, nor can we afford to take such matters too lightly. Casualness is the aim. Always remain objective in your pursuits, but do pursue. In regards to happiness, first see what it isn't. True happiness never needs anything from you, it is itself. Pseudo-happiness needs something from you. It is laced with desire, fueled by passion and only creates or desires more of the same. Peace is light, disturbance is darkness. Light is stillness, darkness is movement or time. These two forces constitute two worlds. The false world cannot be changed by you. It does not want true happiness, it desires forward movement and cannot stand the quiet of the present moment. It lives to keep you in constant danger, fear and agitation (example: watch how heavy your possessions become). In other words, darkness has no desire to live in the moment. It lives in the next moment (which never happens in reality) or the last moment (which doesn't exist). Try to see the true and false about you. Ultimately, most people live, in fact, in both worlds. This is neither good or bad, right or wrong. It is only the fact that it is. Notice the two selves within you. Be of good cheer, but do experiment. You can learn more by your own research. Never take someones word (no matter who they are), see it for yourself. Emerson said, "Be not like dumb, driven cattle." Think for yourself. Blessings, r

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