Friday, October 30, 2009


It would seemingly be impossible for self-will and surrender to occupy the same space. Logically speaking, self will has many useful benefits in everyday day life, but is of no use to the laws of one's spirit. An individual over-run with the will of self must, eventually, give way to the law of the spirit if he truly wants real change. This is an opportunistic event, but most people never truly see it, understand it or accept it's loving freedom from their present imprisonment. It is within this remarkable, unaided courtship that a person can truly see that what he thinks about himself, what he thinks he should do for himself or what he thinks is best for himself can do nothing to fill his inward emptiness. Bottom line: He cannot make himself happy. He is not happy because he is not aware of his human condition. He thinks he is this condition, but he is not. He is something else, but doesn't know it. He does not want the truth because he thinks he must give up himself, yet these thoughts he has about himself are the underlying cause of his misery. How absurd man is! A man cannot think his way out of this unconscious state. It is only when a man sees this phenomena, when he exhausts all of his limited means, schemes, dreams and purposes, will he ever arrive at the door of child-like learning. To surrender himself he must: stand naked before God, not allow himself to fall back on past mental escape attempts, not know anything about where he must go or what he must do. Once he is completely exhausted from all of his futile attempts, will he then find himself at the door of a new, not just different, world. It is in this path oriented epoch that he will truly see the peace and strength of surrender, the beginning of true knowledge. Though he blunders 10,000 times, this unconditional love is always within his reach. It was made for him, before him and not created by him, (forgiveness is the true awareness of this fact and without his self-judgement or self-condemnation, brought about by his lower-leveled will, forgiveness itself would not need to exist). How absurd man is! He can be at peace and go wherever life leads him. He can now enter into a new world of not only not knowing, but not caring to know since he knows he knows nothing and that not knowing is the greatest knowledge of all. Blessings, r

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