Monday, October 26, 2009

Put It In Neutral


'We wish a right start in these classes,' said Lee, a member
of a new study group. 'May we have some direction?'

'Start as if you know nothing at all about the way out. Now of
course this is insulting to vanity and frightening to hardened
thought. Do it anyway. Vanity and hardened thought can only keep
you in dismal prison. Dare to not know the answers, dare to dis-
card silly superstition which masquerades as respectable tradition.
Do this ten times a day, every time you feel tempted to pretend you
know what you are talking about. Pretense is the very prison itself.
Begin every day with the wonderment of not knowing what life is all
about. This is true power, refreshment and relief. Eventually, a new
feeling of rightness will arise within.'

You can make a new right start every single second, for your real
nature is not chained by five minutes or fifty years ago."

Inspire Yourself, p. 34 - VH

If you stop and take the time to watch children. This is what they do. They are not concerned with knowing anything. They know they don't know and have no pretense as to what is right or what is wrong. They are in neutral and moving forwards or backwards is of no concern to them. But, watch what happens when adults begin to say, "Don't do that" or "You are so good." Now a reinforcement interrupts a natural flow. I am not saying let little children play in the street with fast, moving cars or with bottles of poison. I am speaking of the adult mind. Thinking that it knows what is best for children and themselves. They have forgotten what a free mind is like, because they too, have become hardened with wrongful ideas surrounded by a false need of a purposeful engaging. Watch what happens when adults must declare a winner and a loser as children play. So, it should come as no surprise, that you have become a victim of winning, losing and results in your life. Many just accept that this is the way it is because they have forgotten what freedom is like, and besides, everyone else is doing it. Your television enhances and promotes winning, losing and results. They promote these ideas of "you need to know" and they do everything in their power to warehouse the masses. There are thousands of examples of these adult games and they are all fast sinking ships. It is up to you to observe it and choose the only way to win at the merry-go-round, "Don't Play!" Allow yourself to disengage several times a day. Observe what you are doing by watching and sensing your breathing, muscle tension, movements of your extremities and fingers. Become away of the room you are in and that you are in it. Notice the room's sound and color. Start by sitting for a bit, then as you get up and move, carry it with you. This is the only way you can begin to exist to yourself and not the masquerades of others. blessings, r

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