Friday, October 9, 2009

What is Hip?

I was tossing and turning last night in bed. There was a thought in my mind that I just couldn't seem to shake. Actually, it was a guitar riff in my head that had been with me all day (I am not a guitar player, nor do I profess to be one). This guitar riff was actually the symptom of an escape mechanism for a day in which my thought base had been utter chaos. This is an indication that I was not conscious to myself nor my present environment. Just because it was time to go to sleep doesn't mean the magical sleep chime is going to go off. My sleep is indicative of how the past day was spent. It all adds up. What I get from a day is what my thought considered valuable in those successive moments. It can't be different. If I have a thought in my head that is terrorizing me, what do I do? I could, like I have done many times, replace it with another, more pleasant thought. This may or may not work. Since I have already identified with this tyrannical thought the latter will probably hold true. When in these times it is beneficial to not try and replace a thought with another. Why? All thought is based on something that is drawn from a previous experience, in other words, it has already taken place. Therefore, it is not new, just different. Since a different thought is not new, I am still imprisoned by myself playing both prisoner and jailer. It is in these times that I must practice the art of letting my thought or thoughts die. To not replace one with another. To just leave the space blank for a moment and let something else, not created with MY mind, take over. To allow something of a higher plane carry me to wherever it pleases, so long as I am not the inventor or creator. It works and over time, with practice, instills a new sense of an easier self. Blessings, r

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