Sunday, October 18, 2009

Trick or Treat

I can never remind myself enough to stay wake to myself. There are no paid vacations for no work, there are no vacations awarded to an unattended mind. When I write, I am writing to myself and for myself. I am learning that the only way I can truly help another human being is to share, and share only, what I have experienced, for and by, myself. I do not benefit if you are helped, not really, although the ego wants me to think so. I am not the source of any power, strength or wisdom. It is free, ample, ever flowing, borrowed and never bought. There is a constant re-generation happening moment by life succeeding moment. My only aim is to be aware of this state in my own consciousness and to catch myself when unawakedly blinded. I am one who must constantly be reminded that darkness will always be sneaking around a corner, disguising itself as my thoughts and is constantly working to keep me from the light of awareness, self-observation and examination. Most of what unfolds to an unawakened mind is untrue and I limit myself to the omniscient light that I so often, and mistakenly, take for granted. I am never justified by complacency, that is for the dubious man. I strive to get out of myself, never doing battle, never fighting, never running and learning to walk slowly away. I am reminded by the way, the truth and the life by my own shocks and personal blunders. I have never truly benefited from the mistake of someone else. I will not condemn for long nor move too deep into judgement, I have spent too many years doing that and it doesn't work. I have been forgiven before the act and it is the awareness of forgiveness that is forgiveness. It is my responsibility to see that being unconscious to the truth is not a fault only a misunderstanding. It is these misunderstandings that pave the way for life learning and there will always be something new to learn. It is within my power to stop the train, turn it around, go in a new direction and start right now. Here is something that a friend of mine wrote to remind me of painful encounters. I would like to share it with you, so that you too can work at your own freedom:

"Try to watch your thinking. If pain accompanies your thoughts, see it, and work to drop the thoughts responsible for the pain. They will tell you that they are there to free you from the disturbance, but right thinking toward the states reveals that the pain is there because these same disturbing thoughts have managed to drag you into their disturbed world. The more you see the truth of your inner state, the easier it becomes to drop both the troubling state and the wrong thinking responsible for it."
---Guy Finley, Seeker's Guide to Self-Freedom---

Writing, reading and the contemplation thereof, have great medicinal value. I would encourage you to work with these timeless components. I receive much peace and contentment from the efforts. Keep your body healthy this winter. The flu season is already upon us. A healthy mind and a healthy body enhance our awareness of the spirit. There is so much to learn my friends, there is so much to learn. Stay well... blessings, r

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