Thursday, February 4, 2010

Questions to Answers

For the next few days, weeks or even years, consider the following questions from the time you wake up until you go to sleep at night. Allow these questions to come full circle when an experience awakens you, whether it be stirring your coffee, within the midst of a hectic work schedule or simply planning your day. Be watchful and casual. Keep them in your peripheral as you go along.

*1. Do you feel contradictions or repressions within?
*2. Are you compelled to defend or prove yourself?
*3. Do you worry over the loss of what you call your happiness?

All of the questions are directly interrelated with one another. Happiness is impossible if I am defending, proving, feeling loss or worry, irritable with contradictions or repressed feelings, etc.. The only way I can be happy, truly, is to see these dangling opposites and that the only way through them is to see them for what they are and that they are there. They are there because I granted them permission to be there, but through diligent watchfulness, whether before, during or after the fact, the winds of awareness can brisk fully carry them away. Blessings, r

*From Vernon Howard's, Esoteric Mind Power

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