Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pulp Kitchen

The little things in life have the greatest influence on me. Those subtle little lessons that Truth places in front of me everyday. As I was preparing breakfast, I sat an unopened bottle of full pulp orange juice on it's side to shake it up. As soon as my hand left the handle, it was on it's way to the floor. Boom! Pulp kitchen! I know what my reaction has always been; cuss and scream, blame myself or another, whine, moan, kick the dog and throw the cat outside. But today, I wanted to be different. I wanted to change. So, I paused... and did nothing. I begin to mop up the orange juice letting my breakfast get cold. Then, it occurred to me: "You can't always build new, sometimes you have to stop and repair." I thought about this for a moment and realized that life can't always go the way I think it should (especially when I am asleep to what I am doing). Real freedom lies in waking up and seeing life happen and letting it do what it wants to do. If I will slow down enough, not only can I prevent some of these misfortunes but, when they do occur, see that repairing IS building new. r

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