Sunday, October 17, 2010


Having the ability to, but not choosing to take a dominant part, Christ was a passive example of how one must go about his life, if he is ever to, naturally, come to certain truths about himself. This is contrary to how the world lives and operates, but think about the possibility of real freedom for a moment. I looked up the definition of the word, " passive." Now, we assume to know what passive means, but have we learned it's deeper, spiritual meaning? Let me give you a few more words or phrases to further the possibilities. This is from Merriam/Webster's dictionary on the word, passive:

receptive to outside impressions or influences
tending to not take an active or dominant part
make direct use of the sun's heat without the intervention of mechanical devices.

I would encourage you to spend some time with these definitions to see what you come up with. Maybe you can find a place for them as you go about your day, perhaps when dealing with others. The possibilities are endless. The further I get away from myself, the better I am able to see. These short, passive actions are memorable and easy to recall and they came right out of the dictionary. I personally translated the last phrase to mean: to make use of the light without the intervention of thinking. r

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