Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Upon Further Review

It is absolutely and positively correct for you to totally and completely accept yourself right now. That acceptance is who you are this very minute. You are definitely who you are suppose to be right now. You do not need words or thoughts or any other positive influence for this wonderful acceptance. There is nothing wrong with you nor in your life and there never has been. You are exactly in the right path. You can let this wonderful life be lived or you can keep trying to define it. Christ's exact words were, "I did not come for the righteous I came for the sinners and repentance". Repentance is your aid. There should be no negative connotations with it. It simply means to turn and look behind you. It is simply a casual act of examining and recognizing the desire-oriented activities of your imagined self and upon the recognition of those traits (guilt, shame and judgement, etc...), quietly and consciously release them. That is all there is to it. This is what is meant by "awakest thou that sleepest." Enjoy this wonderful day! blessings, r

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