Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Key to the Kingdom

Another way of existing to yourself, to become more aware of the important focus of what we should be striving for, would be to not think too much about what we're not doing. This sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? But, pause for a moment. An unrealized life process doesn't exist. If I am not conscious, if my minute by minute goal is not oriented towards complete awareness of the ever present now, then I do not exist to myself. I am merely chasing whatever pops into my fantasy filled, thrill-seeking head. It is this mental chasing with one thing while mechanically performing another, that I am speaking of. There is no difference between fighting illusory demons or entertaining pleasure seeking dreams, they are both life robbers and the really sad and bad part of it, is that we allow it. Shame on you and shame on me. Vernon Howard stated during a lecture that human beings sell their soul by the minute, not by the year, not by the week, but by the minute to whatever comes along. This realized truth should bother you, it did me. So what is your next unrealized step? Will you discount it because it is too painful or will you allow the truth to help you. These types of truths is what Christ tried to awaken an asleep world with. They are not disguised by anything when seen nor can they confuse. They may cause pain, but what pain are you be willing to endure to awaken to something new. Blessings, r

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