Friday, November 20, 2009


"I am the way, the truth and the light" John 14:6. Most of us are very familiar with these timeless words from Christ. It is one of the greatest forms of strength any individual can experience. This experience resounds the warmth and nurturing of the complete personal surrender of the heart, (not the head). I often ask myself why it is that these words seem to lose their hold on me so often and so frequently. The answer always comes from this important observation: The evil one, darkness, the ego, the false self, whatever you want to name it, says it too. Yes, darkness steers his attacks, disguising himself as you, and he will use EVERYTHING to steer you away from the light. One of his many tricks is to making you think that YOU are the way, the truth and the light. That you are entitled to keep this all to yourself. That you never have to share this with yourself (or anyone else) and that you are the cynical center. He will go to any length to keep you prisoner, even with these most chain breaking words. The center of his mastery is your ego, the governing seat of his illusory headquarters. He declares his reign through your passions, your slothfulness, your desires, your so called "rights", your obsessions, your guilt, your condemning nature, and especially your, seemingly unscathed, belief system. It is during these raging storms that one must hunker down. Without looking for an escape route, I must allow any resistance to the light to pass, (even if the only way is right through me). I can take it. I can watch without entering the arcade. I can alertly observe without screaming out for help or running to the next book or discipline. This is what darkness wants from me, total confusion. I can choose to fight, run or just sit back and watch, knowing all the while that I am obligated to nothing he can offer. It has already been done for me. It is in these times (it matters not the length of the storm), that I can be still and know that everything is okay. The light from the head is darkness. The light from the heart is itself. blessings, r

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