Thursday, November 19, 2009


The wonderment of not knowing what life is all about. If I am going to build something I must have the tools, materials and instructions before the tasks begin. Before anything can be accomplished, preparation must be done. Now, ask any contractor where he spends most of his time in a project and he will tell you it is in the preparation, or "prep" work. A good job is in direct accordance to how much diligent preparation goes into the job, before the first nail is struck. These are the most important areas that usually goes unseen by most, but are the greatest contributors to project failures. A project is efficiently completed when orderly preparation precedes the project, and that that regime of order is maintained throughout the entire construction process. So, let us tie together both faith and work. When you are diligently following a plan or are carefully following the instructions of a project, do you worry about the end results? If you said yes, then you have probably not thoroughly prepared, have left out a specific tool required or have shorted your materials list. In this case, you may have skip over something in an attempt to hurriedly get to the end results It would be wise to stop and re-evaluate (through one's own self-examination). Faith, on the other hand, is not knowing if the plan will work, but because we have seen that we are, in and of ourselves, inept, we consciously surrender ourselves to, at least, the possibility that it may. This is where most stop, but through endurance and perseverance all things are possible Spiritually speaking, Christ prepared a way for us to complete a wonderful life project. This preparation was given to us with very specific instructions needed for the creation of a beautiful work of art. We do not have to, nor can we, create the instructions. We need only follow the instructions laid before us. (Caution! here is where the ego wants to play and in it's effort to substantiate itself, will try everything within its power to isolate you from the desire to follow to the need to lead, be in charge, judge, condemn, etc...). The preparation has already been completed. Your diligent effort of review is vital. You can find these instructions in what I refer to as the red print. These are Christ's words, his instructions to those who are willing to pick up their cross, daily, and follow him. Let me warn you that these instructions cannot be implemented collectively, but only through one's own diligent efforts. Your success in your life project is your daily efforts and your daily efforts alone for the great plan and the knowledge of that entity are his. Carefully review your prep work (I can't, he can, so I think I will let him). The results belong to God, leave it at that for success is sure to come. blessings, r

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