Thursday, September 24, 2009

Whirled Peas

It is not selfish for a man to live as he sees fit. It is selfish to expect others to live as he sees fit. I am finding that the larger an organization grows, the less interested I am in belonging to it. Too much attention in outward infrastructure leaves me distracted from what is most important and that is my own inward kingdom. I believe Christ is right and that man is still wrong, "You want the darkness rather than the light." Massive organization hysterically mistakes and misleads the light for the darkness. A man cannot occupy any level he himself does not understand. I don't care who is saying what, a man won't truly understand until HE sees for himself. Give man the opportunity to experience his own shock. That is the only way he can truly find himself. You cannot and never will be able to lead him out of his misery until he himself surrenders to it. He must do it alone, besides, you too are evil. So the next time you feel the urge to fix someone, entrust yourself with this wonderful decree, "Leave others alone." Blessings, r

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