Saturday, September 12, 2009


Remember this important fact: What You have done can't hurt You. What You have been has no authority over You, NOW.

If I feel the need to get on my knees then, by all means, I must do so. If, however, I want absolute clarity I must spend some time seeing that all past follies are built on the shaky blocks of memory, imagination and preference* (MIP). I am only pained by these characteristics of the unawakened, mechanical self. These blocks of MIP are the makers of unnecessary grief and false imprisonment. The only way to break free of the shackles from the past is to drop MIP. I am free only if I shake lose and not let MIP stick to me, but I must recognize it's hold first. Internally, there is that power. It will refuse to let go, at first. It devilishly wants to survive by attaching itself quickly through the memory, imagination and preference of all past follies. It has a library full of film and pictures. It is faster than the Internet. It is my birth rite to return to my true and natural self, the non-mechanical me. Personal blunders are just a small, but important, part of the road to self-liberty. I am chained only by the things I refuse see. I must let the library play it's inventory of false accusation and not attach myself to any of it's redundant medium. If I will see that past follies are mere MIPs, I am apt to find a greater intelligence, a soft and forgiving higher self (the kingdom of heaven). Running around outwardly for a cure is wasting precious energy. It is like taking diphenhydromine for an allergy attack. It may alleviate the symptoms, but it does not dissolve future reactions. I do not seek band aids. I seek permanency through investigation not the contempt of the mechanical self. The mechanical mind is logical. The logical mind can send a man to the moon, but it has no power to end chaos and suffering. The MIP has a logical significance, but I cannot assume that I can, logically, think my way out of internal conflict. A logical mind can never rise above itself. I must learn to keep it in it's place and look for something higher. It definitely exists. I must use everything I think, say and do for greater enlightenment. I should experiment with myself in these areas without self-judgement nor self-condemnation. These a opposites and prevent the uprising. Blessings, r

* page 20 from Vernon Howard's, 'Esoteric Mind Power'

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