Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Over the past couple of weeks, I have felt as though there was this invisible wall being built separating me from the human race. As I began to watch this phenomena take place I observed the frequency of disgust towards people, organizations, inherent philosophies, the works. The whirlwind of argument was taking place and yet, no one was around. I sensed that something was deeply wrong and this culminated after a talk that I had one evening with my daughter. Yes, it was true. I found myself as a cynical old hoot. Disgusted, I decided to take a deeper look and what was revealed was that I can be and am one with God, the universe and myself. I am not, and have never been separated from him. Now, there are philosophies floating around that man has been separated from God. I, for one, am not buying it. He is separated by his own illusions or the adopted illusions of men. He must, first and foremost, investigate and find it for himself. This is a brief explanation of separation. In order for me to believe in the "I", I must make a contrast and that is you as you. I deliberately, though unconsciously, create you as either friend or foe. These are created by me because I have falsely accepted the "I". Once I create the "I", then I must now separate and defend, because I have falsely created you as friend or foe . Egotistically, I am right, you are wrong. It is I who judge you, categorize you, speak falsely of you, despise you, side with you for self-gain. See, this false "I" is illusory and when created in the mind leaves separation and isolation in the wake. It is subtle in it's approach. How conscious is the man who identifies with the "I"? He is asleep to himself, God, the universe and mankind. He can awaken through awareness and self-observation. He can be free by not letting his conjured-up ideas stick to him, by letting truth be his guide and not rely on his own intuition.. I am one with God, the universe, mankind and myself. Therefore I am one with you. There is much I can learn from mankind, but only if I see his heartache in myself. If there is a separation it is because I have created it and oh, what heartache it brings.

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