Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

There are times I occasionally encounter what I used to coin as a bad day. A day when, upon awaking in the morning, I don't feel so well physically or mentally. It is amazing how this "appearance" of state can spiral downwards as the day progresses. This state can often linger for a couple of days and my temporal outlook on life may even be dismal or dismayed. It is important, in these times, that I allow this state to hang around. What would I gain from it if I tried to push it away? Try to see the amount of natural energy that is used in avoidance, escapism or worry. As an addict, I never had bad days or good days, only ugly days. They were ugly because I did the same thing for 9 years: wake up and get high, eat and get high, get high to change the oil in my car or go to one of my kids athletic events (only to get high). Getting high in those days is no different than escaping a "bad day" today, mentally. I am still trying to avoid pain. If I allow myself to remain uncomfortable for a little while and try to see that what I am allowing to take place isn't the me I want to be, I lessen its hold on me. Whenever these states appear in your life, don't do anything to escape it. Don't try to change it. Just let it lay around for as long as it wants. Heighten your awareness of it's existence and experiment to see what happens knowing it has nothing to do with the real you. When we, through awareness, see this division we are given a wonderful opportunity to see something new.

"You hear the wind, but you cannot see it. You do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with those born of the spirit". John 3

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