Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Over the past couple of weeks, I have felt as though there was this invisible wall being built separating me from the human race. As I began to watch this phenomena take place I observed the frequency of disgust towards people, organizations, inherent philosophies, the works. The whirlwind of argument was taking place and yet, no one was around. I sensed that something was deeply wrong and this culminated after a talk that I had one evening with my daughter. Yes, it was true. I found myself as a cynical old hoot. Disgusted, I decided to take a deeper look and what was revealed was that I can be and am one with God, the universe and myself. I am not, and have never been separated from him. Now, there are philosophies floating around that man has been separated from God. I, for one, am not buying it. He is separated by his own illusions or the adopted illusions of men. He must, first and foremost, investigate and find it for himself. This is a brief explanation of separation. In order for me to believe in the "I", I must make a contrast and that is you as you. I deliberately, though unconsciously, create you as either friend or foe. These are created by me because I have falsely accepted the "I". Once I create the "I", then I must now separate and defend, because I have falsely created you as friend or foe . Egotistically, I am right, you are wrong. It is I who judge you, categorize you, speak falsely of you, despise you, side with you for self-gain. See, this false "I" is illusory and when created in the mind leaves separation and isolation in the wake. It is subtle in it's approach. How conscious is the man who identifies with the "I"? He is asleep to himself, God, the universe and mankind. He can awaken through awareness and self-observation. He can be free by not letting his conjured-up ideas stick to him, by letting truth be his guide and not rely on his own intuition.. I am one with God, the universe, mankind and myself. Therefore I am one with you. There is much I can learn from mankind, but only if I see his heartache in myself. If there is a separation it is because I have created it and oh, what heartache it brings.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Toxic Waste

"It is a world of pathetic people going through the agonizing
motions of trying to appear real." -VH

That's the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it uh huh uh huh. Oh this mighty struggle to establish and maintain identity. Is it working for you? Does it make the doubt, worry and daily anxiousness go away? Do you even know what you are doing and that you lie in a dangerous trap? More of the same maybe different, but it is not new. What are your beliefs doing for your heart. If they are in your head, but your heart still aches, I suggest you question what constitutes belief. So ponder this: What if I had no identity with anything whatsoever? Now that would be something new to look into. blessings, r

Saturday, September 26, 2009


"Mental sickness has set up a system by which it never loses.
No matter what you do and no matter what the results are, you
will win an ego-victory. That means that when you send your
desires out into the world: 1. You will get what you want,
or 2. You won't get what you want. If you get what you want,
the pseudo-nature says, "I have at last been given what I so
richly deserve," and the sickness feels affirmed. If you don't
get what you want, you feel sorry for yourself. You still feel
affirmed because you get a feeling, and that's all that neurosis
wants is a feeling." VH

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Whirled Peas

It is not selfish for a man to live as he sees fit. It is selfish to expect others to live as he sees fit. I am finding that the larger an organization grows, the less interested I am in belonging to it. Too much attention in outward infrastructure leaves me distracted from what is most important and that is my own inward kingdom. I believe Christ is right and that man is still wrong, "You want the darkness rather than the light." Massive organization hysterically mistakes and misleads the light for the darkness. A man cannot occupy any level he himself does not understand. I don't care who is saying what, a man won't truly understand until HE sees for himself. Give man the opportunity to experience his own shock. That is the only way he can truly find himself. You cannot and never will be able to lead him out of his misery until he himself surrenders to it. He must do it alone, besides, you too are evil. So the next time you feel the urge to fix someone, entrust yourself with this wonderful decree, "Leave others alone." Blessings, r

Monday, September 21, 2009

What once were vices now become habits

Whether a person is aware of it or not, he is assaulted constantly
by misleading and hostile voices within the mind. They speak both
through you and to you. Everyone is their target, but because of
their extreme cunning, few people ever detect and dismiss them. So
the only problem is a lack of information about these foreign voices.
The curing facts are as close as your desire for them.

It is extremely important for you to remember the following truth:
these hurtful voices ARE NOT you, and they do not belong to you, but
merely speak through your psychic system. Don't take them as being
your own voices, any more than you take radio voices as being your
own. They simply USE unaware human beings. Your true nature has
nothing to do with them. When finally dismissing these sinister
speakers you make room for spiritual health and true life."

SOLVED The Mystery Of Life, p. 145

Enjoy, blessings, r

Friday, September 18, 2009


I used to be able to see a tick on a deer's ass from 400 yards, now, I can't even see the deer. Oh well, I can still get a readers 5 pack for 12 bucks. r

Appearences Can Be Deceiving

I passed by a mirror the other day and caught a glimpse of an image that had absolutely nothing to do with me. It was just a vehicle, by which, to get around the earth.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

As Good As It Gets

When was the last time you enjoyed yourself? How much freedom have you given yourself, without some instruction, some book or some borrowed idea (about how you are suppose to act, feel or be)? Sometimes head knowledge and the intensity of action doesn't allow God do his work. We think too much at times, spinning with "What should I do?" I had one such day today. I spent a day where everything just came together the way God intended it to. It was peaceful, unrestrained and unorchestrated. It just flowed throughout my being as I worked and as I played. I noticed, mostly, the subtle things, like what my hands were doing, how I was breathing and the wind gently blowing after a heavy rain. I guess, honestly, there was nothing wrong with just letting happen, what happened. I didn't create today, so why do I think I need to create tomorrow. Let God regenerate your soul for you by spending some peaceful, quiet and unrestrained time with yourself. He enjoys that too. Blessings, r

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Remember this important fact: What You have done can't hurt You. What You have been has no authority over You, NOW.

If I feel the need to get on my knees then, by all means, I must do so. If, however, I want absolute clarity I must spend some time seeing that all past follies are built on the shaky blocks of memory, imagination and preference* (MIP). I am only pained by these characteristics of the unawakened, mechanical self. These blocks of MIP are the makers of unnecessary grief and false imprisonment. The only way to break free of the shackles from the past is to drop MIP. I am free only if I shake lose and not let MIP stick to me, but I must recognize it's hold first. Internally, there is that power. It will refuse to let go, at first. It devilishly wants to survive by attaching itself quickly through the memory, imagination and preference of all past follies. It has a library full of film and pictures. It is faster than the Internet. It is my birth rite to return to my true and natural self, the non-mechanical me. Personal blunders are just a small, but important, part of the road to self-liberty. I am chained only by the things I refuse see. I must let the library play it's inventory of false accusation and not attach myself to any of it's redundant medium. If I will see that past follies are mere MIPs, I am apt to find a greater intelligence, a soft and forgiving higher self (the kingdom of heaven). Running around outwardly for a cure is wasting precious energy. It is like taking diphenhydromine for an allergy attack. It may alleviate the symptoms, but it does not dissolve future reactions. I do not seek band aids. I seek permanency through investigation not the contempt of the mechanical self. The mechanical mind is logical. The logical mind can send a man to the moon, but it has no power to end chaos and suffering. The MIP has a logical significance, but I cannot assume that I can, logically, think my way out of internal conflict. A logical mind can never rise above itself. I must learn to keep it in it's place and look for something higher. It definitely exists. I must use everything I think, say and do for greater enlightenment. I should experiment with myself in these areas without self-judgement nor self-condemnation. These a opposites and prevent the uprising. Blessings, r

* page 20 from Vernon Howard's, 'Esoteric Mind Power'

Friday, September 11, 2009


"If a man could sit for an hour and think of nothing, when he opened his eyes he could see everything".

Charlie from Jack London's, Call of the Wild.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

There are times I occasionally encounter what I used to coin as a bad day. A day when, upon awaking in the morning, I don't feel so well physically or mentally. It is amazing how this "appearance" of state can spiral downwards as the day progresses. This state can often linger for a couple of days and my temporal outlook on life may even be dismal or dismayed. It is important, in these times, that I allow this state to hang around. What would I gain from it if I tried to push it away? Try to see the amount of natural energy that is used in avoidance, escapism or worry. As an addict, I never had bad days or good days, only ugly days. They were ugly because I did the same thing for 9 years: wake up and get high, eat and get high, get high to change the oil in my car or go to one of my kids athletic events (only to get high). Getting high in those days is no different than escaping a "bad day" today, mentally. I am still trying to avoid pain. If I allow myself to remain uncomfortable for a little while and try to see that what I am allowing to take place isn't the me I want to be, I lessen its hold on me. Whenever these states appear in your life, don't do anything to escape it. Don't try to change it. Just let it lay around for as long as it wants. Heighten your awareness of it's existence and experiment to see what happens knowing it has nothing to do with the real you. When we, through awareness, see this division we are given a wonderful opportunity to see something new.

"You hear the wind, but you cannot see it. You do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with those born of the spirit". John 3

Sunday, September 6, 2009


An individual whose mind and body are working together while passively seeing all that is around and all that is within.

NASCAR racing

Your ego doesn't want your day to be lived. It wants to drive you through it. Imagine how a day could be lived, if there was no desire for the need to live it. If self-interest would take a back seat and your day unfolded naturally with no need to implement frivolous planning or engineering in order to substantiate itself. Your ego has no capability of a greater intelligence, in fact, it is quite the opposite. It's characteristics are mechanical, often mundane, mis-directed (ADD?) and add nothing to your inner essence. It's purposes are useful in things that are logically oriented, but we are not speaking of logic, are we? Think about that for a minute and wake up to a world of wonder. Watch for the speed in which you plan to perform a particular pre-conceived task and you will catch my drift. How truly boring we must be. Blessings, r

A note from underground: thought and writing will always surpass age.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Running The Hills (A Hurdler's Song)

Swift afoot,
listening for rhythm

Finding the beat,
soothes my breathing

My thoughts are quiet
here in this moment

The race's finish
is far tomorrow

Waves of solitaire
in stride with traffic

Deaf to the crowd's
relentless cheer

My quest is nearing,
I do not fear

Running the hills,
in me forever.


Passing Clouds

It would be a mistake to assume that emotionalism has anything to do with real compassion. This often leads us to false outward attitudes and actions with which, later, we may no longer wish to continue or be responsible for. Watch a particular cloud you find interesting. See how it changes and what it turns into. One such real compassion of mine is seeing the need to lose interest in self and refusing to attach myself to it's defense. Blessings, r

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bad To The Bone

"Please be delightfully impressed by the second sentence of
this talk. There is no natural need for anyone to be a bad
human being. There is no need to be bad. Then why are human
beings violent and rude and bad by being weak and running away
from problems instead of facing them? Now start all over. I
don't want you to miss it. There is no need for you to ever
be angry, hateful, feel lonely, feel left out.There is no
need for you to be bad in any way at all. Now you take the
word bad and put underneath it a long, long list of types of
_badnesses_. Find them for yourself. Find the ones in you.
And I tell you that there is no reason whatever why you
should be that anymore. Oh, I know what you're thinking,
wrongly. You are thinking what you have been living, which
is that there is a need for it. There isn't."

Contact The Source Of Permanent Power
from The Esoteric Path To A New Life tape album

It would be important here for you to be undivided in your attention to this VH exerpt. Read this when you are fully awake, (after the coffee has taken effect, lol). Take the time to read it again and again until you understand what it is asking you to do. Mind performance in these matters is lazy work. Take a pen and paper and write down your "badnesses." This is NOT an apology list to others or yourself. It is honest, self-exploration. Be thorough from the start. You have an inkling as to what they are, but they don't count unless you SEE them, paperwork is important. Spend some time with your pauper efforts. Quietly, you don't have to be like this anymore. Watch for your justifiable behaviors. They are not justifiable, they are the most damaging.

Here are some hints of mine (Do you really think I could be so vain?)

self-righteous (short with people)
envy (feeling left out)
alone (substituted by stated "Independence")
spiteful (no one is deserving of "Me")
acceptance (because I won't)

Blessings, r