Friday, January 28, 2011

Viral Intervention

Today's request:

Not too serious and not too lightly, rather, seriously lightly.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Embracing Difficulty

It is Love that reaches the far corners of the earth, not your will. Do not resist difficulty. Embrace it to better understand, then release it to the winds of change. It is your ideas about results and success that will be your downfall, not your effort. r

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


"I will never leave you nor forsake you."

You see a separation in the first line of the first paragraph, don't you? In Reality, we are not separate from anything, we are one. Never separate yourself from what is eternal. You can't anyway. Try to see this. Does God give you options? Why should he, he doesn't think like you? Man and you do the optioning. If you see your true powerlessness, then you may see something else. You may see an inability, good, remain in that mystery. Man doesn't see it this way, he feels he must DO something to exist. He desires certainty, but you can be different if you know.
Let us go back to the first sentence:

How would you be if you knew this?
How would you be if you were already eternal?

Be that way.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

eHow To God

The Wind blows where it may.
You hear It's sound, but,
You do not know what direction it comes from,
Or where It is going.

Monday, January 24, 2011

You, Me, I and We

Funny how anytime I write it is inevitable that the word you, me, I or we is referred to. As if there is a point of origin or direction that needs to be established in order to confer a point. In times of difficulty, "I" is the prevailing theme. We here this "I" resounding again and again in thought. Many times we yearn to remove ourselves from this "I" but, getting out of and changing are not the same thing. It comes down to what we are living from. Often, I and we get jumbled together as if they were different. In reality, they are the same. Both are used together as a point of emphasis, used to separate, displace or find common ground. This is simply generalization and provides no proper method of, "getting out of". There can be no You, Me, I or We if we truly want to be removed from ourselves. This only bundles and causes more confusion. Getting out of, is a condition by which we allow the You, Me, I or We to exist, but rather than scream out for detachment or unification, simply watch how these four entities try to unite or separate. We must choose to acknowledge them, but we do not let the watching self be guided or directed by them. We let them exist. They have no power to help or separate. Our help is the retiring of this unification and this "absence of unification" is our only source of real strength. r

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Song Like Mine

Streams of light,
fall gently from the sky,
and I have no desire,
to be what I've been.

Sweet desire,
like the rush of roses
spring freshly
from places I've never been.

Hug myself,
without contempt
knowing not
where I stand.

Feeling the dawn,
a heavenly mist,
like the light gaze,
from this room I sit.

Breathing reigns
this worldly castle,
and touches, Yes!
this truthful heart.

Sing loud,
sing long.
Give it your all,
to this, your song.


The Dying Body

There is no cure for the dying body. I know many of you are sick or have some physically chronic condition that ails you. I know how you struggle with those things. We dedicate a great portion of our life to feeling physically good and we spend a lot of money on maintaining that. On certain levels, it is okay to nurture those things. I was listening to a podcast on One of the co-costs, Fred, said something that stirred this writing today. To summarize awkwardly, he said something, to the effect, that it is great for one to know they are alive and how precious a gift that is. We we spend so much energy on making sure that we feel good all of the time, according to our precipices, that we fail in maintaining any kind of truthful balance. In essence, these are only a small part of things, but the picture is much bigger. Can you not see the consumption of "feeling." If I identify with "feeling good," what will happen when I feel bad? Isn't feeling bad from the part as feeling good? I allow myself to be puppet-like, in that, all of my life centers on the physical, (not excluding thought and feeling). And WHEN my body withers, am I going to object to it? (Vernon Howard talk You are not your physical body, 1-16-1977) And AS my body begins to wither am I going to object? The body does wither. Get the help you need, of course. Do the best that you can, but stop fighting! Oh, this "MY!" I encourage you to take a chance on this one. Sooner or later you will have to face yourself. You have everything to gain. Watch how the pendulum whirls you around. See it? I hope you will check out the unique and age-proven principles on the website. Unlike the body, they are tried, true and now. Why you ask? Because no one else is doing it quite like this. What answers do you now have for yourself? r

Friday, January 14, 2011

Underground Cable

A single thread of selfishness,
has the strength to hoist the weight of the entire world,
and all of it's contents.
Though not impossible,
the denial of one's self will not be easy.
Approaching daily,
moment by moment,
step by step,
one day at a time,
is within your reach.


Post Pardon

I have approached a realization about myself,
and it comes in questions.
Why must there always be something wrong?
Either everything is real, or nothing is real,
Whether that be true or untrue, why must I concern myself with it?
What great evil power am I at the mercy of?
What is wrong with leaving myself alone, and
just leaving the questions blank?
What if God doesn't condemn?
What if there is no sin?
Why are drugs taken for conditions?
Why can't I just exist as Myself?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Unmarked Grave

The fighting had become very intense
and dreadful pain and suffering were all around.
Retreat was inevitable,
falling more and more,
letting go beyond all points,
to a commending of the body.
Falling and sinking
deeply within an unknown abyss.
To a space where there was no I,
quiet, still, selfless, within the breath
of an unnamed Presence, effortless,
timeless. No thought, no pain, no heart beat.
Joyous tears abounded,
in angelic proportions,
There was Glory,
There was Peace
Thy will be done.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today, I have been clean for ten years. It was never about using or not using. Although symptomatic, the bases of a successful program is in the finding of a life to live that is not CONTROLLED by drugs. A foundation must be found if one is going to survive the vicious onslaught of addiction. One that doesn't waver when you do. Today, I can only strive to stand on a stronger foothold than me. I must continually investigate. I must accept the fact, no matter how crude, that I will always waver. It is not the waver, nor the "I" that wavers, that is the foundation upon which i stand. r

Friday, January 7, 2011

Clean Sheets

In a few days, I will celebrate 10 years of clean time. Though I was hospitalized 3 times in 2010 (which meant taking certain prescriptions), I continued to try and work a spiritual program in my life. That was the hard part. As I reflect on those early days, in treatment, the best I could do was make my bed. Today, the best I can do is make my bed. r


Those with the most uncertainty,
possess a heart that truly beckons God.
There is only one way strength,
may be harnessed and it lies quietly,
in perfect humility.

Thursday, January 6, 2011 it is in Heaven

Gabriella’s Song – As It Is In Heaven
Py Bäckman
Helen Sjöholm

It is now that my life is mine
I’ve got this short time on earth
And my longing has brought me here
All I lacked and all I gained

And yet it’s the way that I chose
My trust was far beyond words
That has shown me a little bit
Of the heaven I’ve never found

I want to feel I’m alive
All my living days
I will live as I desire
I want to feel I’m alive
Knowing I was good enough

I have never lost who I was
I have only left it sleeping
Maybe I never had a choice
Just the will to stay alive

All I want is to be happy
Being who I am
To be strong and to be free
To see day arise from night

I am here and my life is only mine
And the heaven I thought was there
I’ll discover it there somewhere
I want to feel that I’ve lived my life!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reprise 01/11/01

...but then again, revolt, is just another word for approval....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Corporal Punishment

I grew up on my own and equally, in the same manner, have grown into a man. The things I learned from man are not the things I have embraced over my lifetime. In my early years I learned about things I struggle to unlearn today, the things that men do. The things men have always done. Those things like winning at all costs, awards, Pride and Vanity, defending, protecting, worrying, fear and results, are things I was never really interested in. I mimicked their ideas and their games. I don't have to do that. I don't want to do that. You will never be able to imprison one's soul. It is free and that is the way it is. That IS the way it is. I let society lie to me and, as a child, I believed them. I lived their way for many years. Now, I live in revolt, not resistance, but revolt. They do not wish for me to do so. If I chose to be wrong, then I may also choose to go another way. Men like it easy. They spend a great deal of time on learning magic tricks and devising many new sleeping pills, but it comes down to their fear of people like myself. I am not responsible for that. I am not responsible for them or too them. I thought life was about being like them. I do not wish to play the games they play. They do not realize it, but they are teaching me to be different. I only wish to play, they want to race. I wish to find my own way, they have a way for me to follow. I want to believe, they have an answer to that, as well. I want to doubt, they have faith. I want to question, they want to answer. They want me to believe that we are all in the same boat. I am in my own boat. A Socializing man is a lazy man. Inward independence is a man's only call. r

Sunday, January 2, 2011


It is never as bad as our mind tells us it is going to be.