Thursday, December 2, 2010

'Just Chillin'

You say that you are drifting, but you are not drifting. You are secretly waiting for the next new thing to come along so that you can grab hold of it and string it out as long as you can. You will exhaust yourself identifying with it until it beats you down. You will come running back time and time again, dreaming and scheming until you drop. As long as you entertain this "I" thought you will continue the downward spiral. What great things has this "I" thought done for you? Why do you continue to nurture this "I" thought? You continue to nurture it because you can't sit still. You feed it because that is what you do and you haven't found out how to change. If you could change it you would, but you don't because you falsely identify with it. You are asleep to it. You can't change because you are not in command of yourself. You are commanded by others, of groups, of philosophies and thoughts. You are not in command because the "I" thought that you constantly defend, is not real. Yes, that is right. It is not real, but you can't see it, you won't see it. From dawn to dusk it entertains and punishes you and you let it. You let it, because you do not know else what to do. Your studies and even your prayers are about the "I" thought. Everything you do is about the "I" thought. Your words and your actions are about the "I" thought. When will you sit down and take a good look at yourself and see that this whole life you call you has been a big illusion? It is still a big illusion.. You can't change from what you know. What you think you know has fooled you. "How is this," you ask? Look at your secret despair. It must be something new, not different. "There must be a way out," you say. There is and it is a thousand times steeper than you think... It is quite simple. Start by looking and watching for the "I" thought, do it right now and in the next few moments. R

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