Friday, December 10, 2010

Fools Gold

I googled a question about climate for those who suffer from physical illness and this was the first one I came across:

I am a 50 yr old FMS sufferer on disability retirement, along with a whole alphabet of other conditions who just finished my second bout with pneumonia (during the summer/fall season) after having received the pneumonia vaccine in 1997. I live in southern California, and I am relocating to Washington state because of all of the pollution. I can't afford health insurance, so I go to the county for my medical care, which is horribly hit-and-miss. I can't take the heat of southern CA., due to the fibromyalgia (and bi-polar disorder), but I am concerned about the rainy weather (which I love, by the way) in Washington, because I also have osteoarthritis. I don't suffer from hay fever allergies, thank God, so I think this would be a good move. Does anyone know what would be the best climate for my circumstances?

...and this was the first reply,,,,

That's a tough question to answer. If at all possible, a long visit to the area you are interested in would help you make that decision. Moving is such an ordeal and expense! I have serious osteoarthritis, which has disabled me. So... ability to move about in a snowy area with a cane, walker or scooter should be part of your decision-making process. When I was 50, I knew I had to get out of the ice and snow of upstate NY. I'm 64 now and I'm soooo glad I no longer live there.

Do you have friends or family you could stay with for a month or so during the winter to get a real taste of what it would be like to live there?

On certain levels, there is nothing wrong with getting the help you need to get well, but to think that your inner happiness has anything to do with how the body feels or where the body is, is a grave misconception and a very misguided mistake. Are you aware that you too, are doing this?

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