Friday, September 10, 2010


There will come a time when the tempter is so loud in your mind that you will become paralyzed and the pain unbearable. You will sense terror. There will be no one who can help you and your only desire is for God to just come get you. Listen my brothers! Do you not think the narrow gate has a price? Do you really think it is a soft and easy way? Do you really think that you can see it coming and that you have the human ability to ward it off? I pray that you doubt, I pray that you question and I beg that you cry out so loudly that no one hears you. I pray that it becomes so deafening that defeat is inevitable and you fear you may choke in your own tears. I pray at last that your last gasp is the knowledge of Christ, of Peter and of Paul. I pray that you find yourself screaming out to the one who loves you. I pray that you hang on with all your might and glimpse the only answer. He IS the only way, the only truth and the only life. He is more powerful now, inside of you, than if he were there in body. I pray you search for it. For in the great power of Christ you WILL find relief and you can be saved from the bondage of yourself. The self you think you know, your passions and your desires will soon crumble. Love and Peace through the difficult and very narrower gate. Blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are those who seek righteousness. Love, r

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