Wednesday, September 29, 2010


In Reality there can be no fear, because in Reality there is NO ENTITY that exists that can be afraid. Try to see the you your are not. Try to see that you are this oneness. You are in the flow of Reality. Try to see this, then BE what you SEE. I heard this in a seminar from Vernon Howard. I was startled by the fact that I live at something else and this "something else" cannot see this fact. It cannot see the fact because it does not exist in that plane or dimension. I live from a logical and mechanical mindset. If I let my mind rest and allow a quiet presence, wanting to see this principle, this fact; then the flow of Reality can be seen, felt and heard. This is something that must be taken and allowed to settle in. Take all the time you need, it is worth it.

If it is true that I will never be able to get it all done, then why do I hurry at any of it. r

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Winning and Losing...

I have been an athlete all of my life. I have been in the competitive ring since I can remember. When I was young, I enjoyed running and playing with you. Then things got serious and one I day found myself winning against you and taunting you afterwards. I allowed this drug to enter my being and develop my character. I could not lose, either, and would hate you if you beat me, despising you, and better worse, turning that hatred against myself into serums of worthlessness. Do you see that winning and losing is the same thing? They simply reflect opposite ends of the spectrum, but they both are results of an identifying illusion. I would encourage you not to enter the arena, but you cannot hear me can you? You cannot hear me because the adults have thrown you into the arena. Yes, your school teachers speak highly of you, passing grades for you. Some despise you for what you are (and what they are not0 and degrade you for that too. Through time, you might even see that it is beginning to bother you, however, everyone else is playing the game and you can't stand the thought of not belonging to something. You feel you have to take some side, whether it be a winner or a loser, it doesn't matter just as long as you don't have to look at yourself. As long as you can keep pretending. The reason you won't quit is because you don't see what it is doing to you or you can't put it down and leave it alone. You won't know what to do with yourself without something. You say to yourself, "Even though it causes me misery, at least, it is something to hold on to. Maybe we will win next week," and so on and so on. I have seen my life 50 times and it still produces more of the same. Competition and competitiveness are not the same thing. Little by little, a person may begin to see that attitudes based on ego-driven ideas about what is good and about what is healthy, maybe wrong. I, for one, am not good and I am not healthy. Christ pleaded that we should store our treasures in heaven, not where they can rust or be eaten by moths or where thieves can break in and steal them. Your trophies are waiting. You ask what are heavenly treasures? Seeing that these events are indeed happening inside of you and being willing to look at them, study what they are doing to you and allow truth to change you into a person that is, "not of that." Love, r

Monday, September 27, 2010

You Are Not Separate from God...

If you hear anything or read anything I have ever passed on, I hope you will consider this:

You are not separate from the flowing Reality;
You are that flowing Reality.
See this and you will not see anything else
which conflicts with it.
You will be what you see.

Vernon Howard, from 'Esoteric Mind Power

blessings, r

Monday, September 20, 2010

HOL (hands on living)

A text from a friend the other day stated that "this Christ thing must be real, otherwise there wouldn't be so much resistance to it." Think about this for moment . . . There is a lot of resistance that is coming from inside of us. Wouldn't it be nice to see this great shadow for what it is before it overwhelms us? If you have encountered this phenomena before, then you can consider yourself moving along the path of spiritual desire. When it comes to daily living we must take the eternal road, the higher ground, by recognizing the only thing that is eternal, and that is, the present moment. We must stop taking orders from these lower places which possess our mind, our logical and mechanical self, and move to higher ground. Now is forever, in other words, Christ's words. Listen to what he is saying when he said, "Heaven and earth will come to pass, but my words are forever." Back in June of 2009, I wrote a piece entitled, "Mathematical Genus." This may help shed some light on the logical approach to eternity, now or the present moment, for you. Our daily path is not chosen by us, it is chosen for us, it is already set up and living. We need only recognize and accept what is unknown to us. You may ask, "You mean I can't wake up and do what I want to do?" Yes, you can and you do, so how do you like it? (This was a point made by the great mystic, Vernon Howard). The Red Print, what I refer to as Christ's words, needs no preconditioned recipe for approach. It is an alternative to the selfish cloud that arises every morning and blocks the sunlight from us. Simply open the book up to the gospels (the four books that encompass most of Christ's teachings while on earth) and begin from wherever you like. You can't do it wrong, just read and watch as the great comforter prepares you to an wakening of a new and right spirit. It is incredible. Watch how your heart begins to open and despair fades away. Watch how understanding moves in and replaces doubt. Do you really think that you can do anything for yourself? If you wish to memorize Christ words, by all means, do so. Take them with you. They will always reside with you. Why? Because they are forever and can only be seen in the NOW and NOW is, if you choose, all the time. r

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Trails

If the trail that I am on doesn't open into a thousand new ones, I am on the wrong trail. It must be my aim, a refreshing approach, to savor and relish all the present good. A hardy demand to casually strive and confine myself to the present moment. I should never look to please others nor wish that they please me. Self pleasing is the only true pleasing that can be had, especially when centered away from the touchy ego. The ego wants me to think that pleasing must be based on something outside, but a real walk is tall and away from crowded illusions. It may be viewed by a few prisoners wishing to be free of their unseen confinements, but the blinded masses will never see it. The aim is to be independent of dependence on any event, thought, person or feeling OUTSIDE of the present. A true characteristic of nobility and royal inheritance.r

"Confine yourself to the present" - Marcus Aurelius

Monday, September 13, 2010

Supply and Demand

Knowledge can be very powerful, but it cannot get you through the door. Most, will never have any desire or need or want to get to the door. They have no interest in their inward world. There is no condemnation here, on my part, only observation, because I know that any condition can be changed and any condition can be improved. So, this eternal love we seek cannot be felt logically or mechanically. It cannot reside where thought lies and cannot be seen by a busy mind. There can only be a child-like presence, a simple peace or a desire to see things differently, more quietly. Subsequently, a person must turn off the religion PA or remove themselves from the babbling in the streets to find a new and right beginning. Beware of those who speak so wildly of their doctrine, it is because they do not believe it and need confirmation from you. True newness is not concerned with direction, but hovers along the lines of unfamiliarity and unknowing. r

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Knowing what I know now, I can never return to where I came from. That probability doesn't exist, except in illusion only. I doubt if I could return, even if I knew the way. One thing is certain, darkness doesn't need me to move anywhere for it to serve it's purpose. So here I am with this conscious dilemma. Which way do I go? Think for a minute. There are only 2 principles a man needs in his life. One, is to "be still and know that I am God." Secondly, if effort is necessary, "Love others as I have loved you." (remember that YOU are"others" too!) Keep it simple, my friends. r

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I have been in prison most of my life. How can I expect or know what it is like to be free. Free, as in freedom from myself, my addictions, my fears, my desires, my somethings. Oh, how I love to manufacture more of those steel bars, yet as I look around me I see no bars, I see no guards. I am frightened by the shadows of a mimicking cast and worrying about the next phantom, sheepishly staying put, cowering ever so slightly and ever afraid. Oh, I may find a legitimate group to join, but they too are afraid and imprisoned and provide no escape for me. No, if I am to escape this place, this wall-less void, I must see, plan and break free from the ties that bind. Do you see now? They have been telling me for years that I am free to walk. They have told me there is another side and a way out, but I have grown accustomed to my misery and have averted back to what I know, the predictable, unconscious entrapment. Do you see? Will you see? r

Friday, September 10, 2010


There will come a time when the tempter is so loud in your mind that you will become paralyzed and the pain unbearable. You will sense terror. There will be no one who can help you and your only desire is for God to just come get you. Listen my brothers! Do you not think the narrow gate has a price? Do you really think it is a soft and easy way? Do you really think that you can see it coming and that you have the human ability to ward it off? I pray that you doubt, I pray that you question and I beg that you cry out so loudly that no one hears you. I pray that it becomes so deafening that defeat is inevitable and you fear you may choke in your own tears. I pray at last that your last gasp is the knowledge of Christ, of Peter and of Paul. I pray that you find yourself screaming out to the one who loves you. I pray that you hang on with all your might and glimpse the only answer. He IS the only way, the only truth and the only life. He is more powerful now, inside of you, than if he were there in body. I pray you search for it. For in the great power of Christ you WILL find relief and you can be saved from the bondage of yourself. The self you think you know, your passions and your desires will soon crumble. Love and Peace through the difficult and very narrower gate. Blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are those who seek righteousness. Love, r

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Man's Greatest Contributions

1. Jelly Bellies
2. zip ties
3. hip replacement

My wife, Leah, had hip replacement surgery Thursday. The surgery lasted 48 minutes and she was up and walking by 1:00 p.m. that afternoon. I am utterly amazed by man's progress in these areas. The funny thing though, is that the tools they use for such a seemingly impossible task, are nothing more than a carpenter's tools. I know of another carpenter who uses tools like that. love, r

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spoon Full Of Sugar

Rather than finding a way to cling to God, wouldn't it be within your power to first, see what is causing the need to cling? I believe if you were to ask God what to do in any uncomfortable situation, he would send you to the end of the line and suggest greater self examination and investigation. Once you find it he can better serve you. If you don't find it, he will probably give you another clue. Eventually he wants you to find it for yourself. Never forget he has a great sense of humor, so try to be more casual with it or you might walk right by it. Love, R