Thursday, August 26, 2010


The world wants to kill itself, let it. See what you have contributed to it. A man cannot discipline another without first disciplining himself. Before you yell at another, yell at yourself first. Before you point your finger at another, look at the log in your own eye, first. No one is to blame, yet you continue to do harm to yourself and others as you spiral downward. You may blame yourself outwardly or secretly, but it will still give you no authority, hah! Stop yelling at the children! You are the worst teacher, for you are personally creating rebels and cowerers. No one is in the right. You all fall short. Stop screaming at the children! "Forgive them father for they know not what they do." You have my permission to leave the streets for peace and quiet or you may remain. It is your choice, just stop yelling at the children! Love, R

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