Friday, August 27, 2010

How To "not sin" Daily

Through understanding, of course! Let me share some words with the so called scholars and great philosophers of ethics, religion and indoctrination:

Evil can only do evil
Goodness cannot do evil
Evil can recognize Truth,
But only Truth can do Good.
Truth is of, and sustained, by Itself,
And always triumphs over evil.

Pretty simple. There are two halves in every man. There is what is true and what is false. The false has an ego which keeps it confused and excited. The true lives with the ego, but is not guided by it. It sees all and understands all, (it is of and sustained by itself). Once again, evil can only do evil. You cannot change it, but with Truth, it can be dissolved, so that you live from your essence or natural state. He who "resists not" will learn a lot about himself and will quietly approach a gentle knowledge of himself and his surroundings. This IS forgiveness. r

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