Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Toe Crusher

I have been writing in this open, personal journal for some time now. It has given me a wonderful opportunity to see the progression of my thoughts, as they pertain to the yeng and yang of the past several months. My intention, in the beginning, was to try and reach others through my experiences. Some say I have an innate ability to write down what I am thinking, while others may feel an attitude of overbearance and indifference,. I believe that both of these may be true, nonetheless, I will continue with my open prose because I enjoy it. So, after much earnest deliberation and rightful thinking, I asked, "Do you think that your religion is the narrow gate?" Let me re-phrase this. Is your church attendance, your public works or even your labeling yourself as a "believer" the narrow gate? If this were so, many would be liberated, yet there are so few who are free of doubt, fear, worry, strife, being right and ego-generated materialism. So I ask you again, "Is your self-completed life the narrow gate?" Mercy is not going to come from another person or some outward generated being. Your mercy originates from your own awakened heart. Everything you "really" need is within your reach. It is not separate from you. Don't let your religion or anyone confuse you or create an existence of some illusory, separate entity of which you are not a part of. A wonderful illustration to practically apply this is in Vernon Howard's Esoteric Mind Power. "Exam yourself. See for yourself. Place the spiritual before the material. Check your self-command first, rather than speaking to make an impression." There can be no doubt, if one first stops and sees where all good things really come from. Take your time, but stick with it. You will eventually see it, then everything will begin to make sense. The narrow gate is to wake up! To awaken your hardened heart. To see things as they are, not as you want them to be. To be a conscious and free human being. That is the aim. You can have that now, right this very minute. Wake up! blessings, r

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