Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Road Block

Everything that I may perceive and experience, whether physical, mental or emotional, is directly related (100%)to my thought process. How I view all outward things is entirely based and motivated from an inward makeup (or attitude). I could then assume that all psychosomatic disorders can be attributed to a negative waver in one's psychological viewpoints of what they think they need, what they assume to know or not know and any or all related outward measures which are assumed to be their demise. Very simply: You are what and how you think. It can be no different. We all know that outward circumstances or things have no bearing on one's internal makeups. It all happens from the inside out. However, there are some who see these conflicts as an opportunity to not only change, but further fuel an inward conquest of that beautiful kingdom we have come to know as the True Self. All of our assumed abnormalities, when conditioned over time, can definitely created further problems (what today may be coined as syndromes), which can be traced, though not entirely, to seasonal, conditional or situational thought processes. When seen in it's entirety, many will discount, flee or discard. Those who do not see these as viable options are closest to seeing something unique about themselves and very special. It is when in the company of these subtle, yet powerful forces, that we arrive at a brink of self-realization and the acknowledgement of personal truth.

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