Saturday, December 19, 2009

Down Under

It is okay if you fall on your face. Believe me, I can attest to this on a daily basis. The beautiful thing about it, today, is I am aware of it. In the past when I fell, I just got stoned or drunk, bought myself something, apologized and when about my merry way, but I didn't go on my merry way. There was nothing merry about it, because I refused to look at it. I didn't feel change was necessary. I didn't know that there might be another way or if it even existed. Often times, it was too painful. Never think that you are above what you are and remember that both the act and the judgement of that act, occupy the same space. YOU cannot separate from yourself. YOU do not have the power to change yourself (just look at how little self-forgiveness you have). It is like a 4th grader telling another 4th grader how great the 5th grade is. Can you see a little better, now. I have only briefly sensed it since the beginning of this page. There are spiritual principles, when rightly and persistently followed, which can give great insight into these areas of you. Don't be afraid to not know. Watch that guilty feeling when you fall (I didn't say if you fall). Keep going in spite of the voices that are telling you, "you can't" or "it is all useless," or "your not worthy." There are many, including myself, who have fallen too (and often times much further). Get back on track. Remember those times when everything was okay because you were okay. No matter where you have gone or where you are, others have been there too. You are not alone. Christ said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." That, "heaven and earth may come to pass, but my words are forever", and finally, "Deny yourself. Pick up you cross, daily (which includes right now!) and follow me." Love and Peace, with many Blessings. r

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