Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I have taken the liberty to investigate the word, "Guilt." I am learning that if something is bothering you, you must try to isolate the condition with the feeling in an effort to understand it's origin (otherwise known as cause-effect). Webster's definition for the word guilt, in this case, is two fold. It states in 2.a. The state of one who has committed an offense especially consciously. b. Feelings of culpability (criminal) especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy. What I, personally draw from this are three words:

Consciously, imagined offenses and a sense of inadequacy

If you are reading this you know that I am on to something, and you are on to yourself. How can I overcome feelings of inadequacy? Where does it stem from? Guilt is derived from fear. Fear is the sour fruit of the false self. You cannot and need not change what is already false. To be free from it, you must consciously fight for yourself. You must abandon this self that fears being inadequate. How ever long it takes and as many times that it takes you must bring it to the conscious (recognize). Stop and see it. You must stopped these illusions of imagined offenses and ask yourself, "Are they happening now?". Consider how you blame yourself or others by asking, "Who is judging and blaming me right now?". You must isolate these confessions and allow them to come to the surface, no matter how painful. It helps to openly speak with others about your long term affair with this false partner. It allows you to hear what you are thinking. Do not, however, think that confession is understanding. It is not. You are doing this for yourself. To become your true self. This may appear difficult, but ask yourself how much more can you take harboring these illusory THOUGHTS, that have no substance, no obvious basis, keep you in the dark and run your life. It is time to chase that illusion back to it's origin. Back to the one time it happened if necessary. As long as you keep it in your subconscious, it hurts you. As long as you assume it is you and that the feelings are justified, you are still it's prisoner. Allow this to come all the way to the surface. It is going to hurt a little as it comes. Stay with it until you can see the facts without personalizing. Stay with it until you can detach yourself. As if you took it and threw it against the wall and gazed at it separately, away from yourself. See the facts unattached and passively.Bring it to the surface. Quietly let it come to the top, without emotionalism or personalization. Do this a thousand times if necessary. Reality is wonderful at taking out the garbage. Love, r

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