Monday, August 31, 2009

The Visitor

From time to time there come many illicit visitors. One of them appears quite often and is recognizable. One evening I happened to be watching when he appeared. He nervously paced around and then questioned me as to whether I feared death and if there was eternal life. He asked if all this was a hoax and that I should be alarmed. He insisted that I pick up my bible and read, like I always do, to push the fear away. He pleaded with me that there must be something I could do to earn my place in heaven. There must be some measure I could take to not worry about it anymore. I paused for a moment and looked around the room to see what was there. I was in the room. The air conditioner was on, the fan was blowing, but the dogs weren't barking. I could not see or hear the visitor in the room. I realized that the visitor was in my head and that it had disguised itself as MY thought. It appeared quite personal, so much I thought it was me. As I saw myself in the room, I realized that I was existing to myself within the room. I was not any thought. I was present to myself by myself. Once I personalized the visitor, which spiritual students often do, it appeared real. The visitor knew my fears, but I didn't. As I brought myself back to the room, the ac, the fan and my dogs, I brought the visitor to the surface, in which, he vanished as quickly as he had come. When he left, he took the fear, the hoax, the doubt, the reaction and the disturbance with him. Observation is the watch dog and when met with the ability to passively detach the disturbance, the winds of awareness to carry it away. We are now in our rightful place. It is truly amazing. I know you are having these thoughts too. They are not real. This is the most cunning trap of all. Don't suppress them or shew them away. Don't DO anything. Allow them to come to the surface. They are not real and they can't hurt you unless you hide from them. Stop hiding. Call their bluff. Take this and use it. Find out more about self observation and awareness. Believe me when I say these thoughts will come again and again. They may even disguise them selves differently, but they can no longer hold you like they did before. Blessings, r

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