Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Lamp To The Soul

"The eye is the lamp to the soul" These are Christ's words and there is much truth in them. Many are not quite sure whose eyes he was speaking of and what these words exactly meant, but they are spiritually all eyes. Your eyes and the eyes of everyone you come in contact with. Your eyes cannot be seen by you because they are a part of the witness self (camera), but we can see ourselves through and in the eyes of others. If we study the faces of people, we can see their soul and ours. There is a stream of oneness in truth when this channel is experienced. I was speaking with a woman the other day. She openly, and quickly, admitted to me that she was in stage 3 of ovarian cancer. A sign for me to study the eyes. As she went on about her disease and the plans for the last stages of her life, I begin to look intensely at her eyes, all the while listening to what she was saying. I reminded myself to keep myself out of it. I often try to play God in these instances which separates me from truth. Nonetheless, I did the best I could to listen to everything she said to me all the while studying her eyes and facial expressions. She spoke of how she was trying to get everything in order for her family and to excuse the clutter. When the opportunity presented itself, I shared a story about Christ and the two woman. One women was scurrying about preparing dinner while the other was sitting quietly listening to Christ speak. The one preparing dinner soon scoffed and Jesus asked what her problem was. She spatted back that she was doing all the work, while the other (who was listening to him) was sitting doing nothing. Christ simply said, "but she is doing what is important. As I finished, I looked for a response from her and there was none. I smiled to myself and remained quiet. I sensed through the eyes of my soul and the eyes of hers, that this poor woman had probably died a long time ago. A mechanical mind is not a mind with the heart. Watch how quickly it reverts back to what it knows. Many of you, as readers, are now allowing what you have experienced to dictate how you are to react to what you have just read. The practised familiar is not new. It is death and blocks us from the soul where truth and newness lie. What is new is what is unfamiliar. You can see this in your new interaction with others. Pay attention, watch and look in all that you do. What is unfamiliar is a great place to be.

Blessings, r

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