Monday, August 31, 2009

The Visitor

From time to time there come many illicit visitors. One of them appears quite often and is recognizable. One evening I happened to be watching when he appeared. He nervously paced around and then questioned me as to whether I feared death and if there was eternal life. He asked if all this was a hoax and that I should be alarmed. He insisted that I pick up my bible and read, like I always do, to push the fear away. He pleaded with me that there must be something I could do to earn my place in heaven. There must be some measure I could take to not worry about it anymore. I paused for a moment and looked around the room to see what was there. I was in the room. The air conditioner was on, the fan was blowing, but the dogs weren't barking. I could not see or hear the visitor in the room. I realized that the visitor was in my head and that it had disguised itself as MY thought. It appeared quite personal, so much I thought it was me. As I saw myself in the room, I realized that I was existing to myself within the room. I was not any thought. I was present to myself by myself. Once I personalized the visitor, which spiritual students often do, it appeared real. The visitor knew my fears, but I didn't. As I brought myself back to the room, the ac, the fan and my dogs, I brought the visitor to the surface, in which, he vanished as quickly as he had come. When he left, he took the fear, the hoax, the doubt, the reaction and the disturbance with him. Observation is the watch dog and when met with the ability to passively detach the disturbance, the winds of awareness to carry it away. We are now in our rightful place. It is truly amazing. I know you are having these thoughts too. They are not real. This is the most cunning trap of all. Don't suppress them or shew them away. Don't DO anything. Allow them to come to the surface. They are not real and they can't hurt you unless you hide from them. Stop hiding. Call their bluff. Take this and use it. Find out more about self observation and awareness. Believe me when I say these thoughts will come again and again. They may even disguise them selves differently, but they can no longer hold you like they did before. Blessings, r

In The Classroom

Have you not learned your lesson yet? People do not need to know what you are doing. They only care about what you think if they can use it to put you down or argue with you to win. You don't need to "win them over." It is not your responsibility to wake up the world. The world does not wish to be woke up. They are asleep and in your frantic efforts to explain yourself, you are napping too. This conflict in your mind is their fuel to win you over to their side (and they are winning, aren't they?) Stop doing it. Do you not see this discourse? Do you not see this propaganda? Keep spiritual discoveries away from them. Do not try to possess the Truth, leave it alone. Truth needs no defense, but a secret tool of the false self is to tell you it does. It wishes to claim everything it sees for itself. A tool of the evil one is to make you think you have invented something you can now possess and because it is now "yours", no one else can have it or see it. This keeps you fighting, confused, isolated, restless, separate from God and your true nature. Deep down inside you want the argument because you are trying to convince yourself that you are right and everybody else is wrong. There is nobody else around, you fool! It is only the energy draining babbling going on inside your mind. If "it" needs convincing, "it" is not convince able. Keep yourself alert in these times. Your obsession to be right is wrong. We can never remind ourselves enough that "they" are not only other people, but our own false ideas. There is no greater reward than the honest, yet often painful, discoveries you find about yourself. Blessings, r

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Lamp To The Soul

"The eye is the lamp to the soul" These are Christ's words and there is much truth in them. Many are not quite sure whose eyes he was speaking of and what these words exactly meant, but they are spiritually all eyes. Your eyes and the eyes of everyone you come in contact with. Your eyes cannot be seen by you because they are a part of the witness self (camera), but we can see ourselves through and in the eyes of others. If we study the faces of people, we can see their soul and ours. There is a stream of oneness in truth when this channel is experienced. I was speaking with a woman the other day. She openly, and quickly, admitted to me that she was in stage 3 of ovarian cancer. A sign for me to study the eyes. As she went on about her disease and the plans for the last stages of her life, I begin to look intensely at her eyes, all the while listening to what she was saying. I reminded myself to keep myself out of it. I often try to play God in these instances which separates me from truth. Nonetheless, I did the best I could to listen to everything she said to me all the while studying her eyes and facial expressions. She spoke of how she was trying to get everything in order for her family and to excuse the clutter. When the opportunity presented itself, I shared a story about Christ and the two woman. One women was scurrying about preparing dinner while the other was sitting quietly listening to Christ speak. The one preparing dinner soon scoffed and Jesus asked what her problem was. She spatted back that she was doing all the work, while the other (who was listening to him) was sitting doing nothing. Christ simply said, "but she is doing what is important. As I finished, I looked for a response from her and there was none. I smiled to myself and remained quiet. I sensed through the eyes of my soul and the eyes of hers, that this poor woman had probably died a long time ago. A mechanical mind is not a mind with the heart. Watch how quickly it reverts back to what it knows. Many of you, as readers, are now allowing what you have experienced to dictate how you are to react to what you have just read. The practised familiar is not new. It is death and blocks us from the soul where truth and newness lie. What is new is what is unfamiliar. You can see this in your new interaction with others. Pay attention, watch and look in all that you do. What is unfamiliar is a great place to be.

Blessings, r

Sunday, August 16, 2009


An attentive lock on memory in a tranced state. It may or may not be the result of the fear of the unknown, but whether it is or isn't, it keeps us asleep and conditioned to the unyielding familiar. The focus of our eyes is a good measure of the depth of unawakedness. Watch the focus of other people's eyes. If you look closely, they are a million miles away. This is not the place to be for the spiritual student. Snap the spell of trance by looking up and seeing where you are and what you are doing. Deeper lapses of trance may be your attempts to control others or by judging and categorizing them according to what truth you think you know. There are many forms of trance and these characteristics are, and will always be, in an attack mode. Be especially attentive to those that disguise themselves as the real you. Blessings, r

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

From the Breathe

Dear Randall,

Do not let your heart be troubled. Don't worry about anything in your life. Trust in God and trust in me. I have gone to prepare a place for you. The place I go has many rooms. When the times comes, I will come for you. You can do this. It will be difficult. There are many who do not want what you want. Love them too, and nurture the want in your heart. It won't hurt you to hurt for a little while. Enjoy this day I have given you. Remember, I chose you so that you do not have to struggle so much to choose me. Love, Christ

Friday, August 7, 2009

Intensely Casually

"God himself has made it possible for you to live without the
dark place and the pains that rush out and flood out and take
you over. Your choice of wanting to see and work is essential
to you if you want to get rid of your feeling of emptiness, of
futility. You've lied to yourself and said, 'I know what to do
to get rid of the pain.' You've never gotten rid of the pain
and that's evidence of self-deceit. You have to stop playing
cruel tricks on yourself. So stop. Now."

I keenly sense that in this excerpt, VH is explaining to me, the position and the attitude (mood) I should adopt in my daily endeavors. It is possible to find freedom when I start as close to the mouth of the river as possible. Not so much the river of life, but that apex of where light and darkness as I perceive it, begins. It is obvious, to me, that nothing can fruitfully happen if I do not stay in a constant state of awareness to and of that origin. As long as I continue to go to sleep, consciously, I will always drift back to those familiar and status quo "pain stages", (otherwise known as darkness, desire, passion, pseudo-happiness, nothing new, etc...) because they are stealthily deceiving. So where does this energy to stay awake come from. Well, I can tell you it doesn't come from the me I think I know. It comes from an original nature that I have allowed the world to mask. That world being my conditioned thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. This is overwhelmingly due the fact that I am ignorant and a surprisingly hard rock head. Finding a teacher like Christ, according to VH, involves "wanting to see and wanting to work." So now, I come to the origin of all gainfulness, that of WILLINGNESS. Willingness or willing to be willing is the rock I must perch atop to see the mouth of the river from which all things originate and regenerate. A free mind that sees everything and reacts to nothing so as to re-learn it's original God conscious nature. This is a narrow gate to pass through, because one of the many sleeping pills I take are self-guilt, self-judgement, self-condemnation and more importantly self-doubt, (furthering greater crimes against myself). So it will trickle down to small daily actions, small daily visions, little tiny baby steps and the ever present task of slowing down the speed rail machine in my head that thinks it knows. Moment by moment my friend, moment by moment. Blessings, r

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Captain and me

I am not sure if my ship is going to come in or not. I question whether or not there is such a thing. Maybe, along time ago a person begin to believe that and everybody heard about it. What would be the most practical thing to do? Hmmm... Maybe it is possible to find and live a life that wouldn't be concerned whether the ship came or not. Like the movie 'War Games' "The only way to win is not to play." Blessings, r

Monday, August 3, 2009

National Security

Never put your faith, your beliefs or your trust in anything that can be taken from you. There is much evil in the world and they look to destroy you. Be on the alert for people, places, things and the deadliest and evilest of them all, YOU! Blessings, r