Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ta boot

"...kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town, waiting for something or someone to show you the way..." Time - Pink Floyd

Monday, May 16, 2011

Martha or Mary?

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, pick his cross daily and follow me." Not like Martha, but like Mary, leave it at, "Me." Take nothing with you today, just leave the field empty. If you do, you will be crying by morning.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

10 eyes

How is it, that in life, I am separate from God, but in death, I am joined with God? I am not buying what they are selling. The ideas of man are only creating divisions in me. If I believe I am with God, then who and what are these different selves. What is this "I" that wants to be separate? If I am with, what can be or what is, against? My ideas, whether bought or learned, must be wrong. I should turn in early, I am tired of listening to I.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Michael Buffer

If we are still fighting life, it is because we are not sufficiently tired of fighting. We have to get tired of fighting, but with an intelligent understanding of it's futility (uselessness) not with a feeling of despondency (hopelessness).

Vernon Howard 'Esoteric Mind Power'

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Les Miserables

If I say, "I am miserable," then I am referring to the "i" that knows misery. Along with misery, it also knows excitement, depression, anxiety and worry. It secretly craves it, unaware of the opposite results. As long as I live from this small "i," I will always be at the mercy of it's pendulum swings. These are the opposites of desire and passion, approval and purpose. Since I have lived in this old and familiar state, time and time again, I will ask the same question again and again, "Where did all my joy go?" I have seen this experience many times. It is especially true after the heights of some "spiritual" experience, which always plummet the very next day. My mind may have thought it understood, but it didn't. It was only giving itself it's only known anecdote for pain, a created and conditioned tourniquet. I may blunder a thousand more times with this, but if I am careful to proceed more slowly and unafraid, if I see that I have not as yet understood, then I can now safely move towards a deeper understanding without the familiar guilt, judgement, loss or condemnation, that always seems to follow.