Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ceiling Fans

As I lay back on my bed after a cleansing shower, I found myself looking at my bedroom ceiling fan. I noticed the blades spinning in one direction and within the same circle. I begin to notice how my mind works in much the same way. Upon the blades were thought, feelings, health, my body, job, money, worry, religion, anxiety, depression, pain, relationships, so on and so forth. Constant movement, constant motion spinning at a high rate of speed, in the same direction, returning to itself time and time again. Attaching my sight to one blade only made me dizzy and difficult to keep up with. Then I noticed that there was something different. The light. Only fractions of an inch away, the light stood still, unwavering. The stillness of the light was comforting, but only momentarily, as I soon returned to the spinning of the blades and the all familiar desires of sensitization and the wants of myself. Christ spoke often of division and the leaving of desire and passion (the inter workings of the self). He was very specific in his teachings about truth. "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, pick up his cross daily and follow me." Within the ceiling fan was an opportunity to see this division. It is important for me to see the existence of both the mind (the blades) and what is still (the light). That I exist in both movement and stillness. To see these different paths, sparked a new and inspiring regeneration. A new beginning today, right now.

Monday, March 28, 2011

2 Wrongs Don't Make It Right

I did everything to secretly get something from you and when I saw that I really didn't want it, I blamed myself for the foolishness.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


My ego demands overnight shipping, with confirmation and a tracking number. My heart is just fine with media delivery.

March Madness

Opposition is nothing more than secretly wanting to gain favor from you or to be right. If I find something truthful, why must there be a need to inform you? The ego thinks it sees truth, but it is blind to it. This is apparent by it's screaming out that, what it thinks it has found, you need to know.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Waste Management

God does not waste and nor should you. He will completely fill all of your jars and help you settle all your debts. Be aware of your inabilities and deficiencies. When all of life's jars are gathered and filled, the oil will stop flowing. Don't waste the earth's amazing resources. Don't squander what is given you. Never take the daily light for granted. Pay close attention to what you use. Measure exactly what you need and leave the rest for others or for another time.

1. I must remind myself daily
2. I have to have help.
3. I can't do it on my own
4. I must embrace my difficulties

2Kings 4:1-7

Friday, March 25, 2011

A 1000 Miles From Somewhere

Henry David Thoreau once said that, "the inner world was equally as vast as the outer world." I have a ways to go in many areas of my life. Relationships, for instance, provide me with an opportunity to see that I may not be as unified as I think I am. If I am one way when alone and another way, when with others, I am divided. If I am divided then I am not whole. I am not complete. When perceived properly, there is a vast opportunity to heighten my awareness to becoming a complete, unified and undivided person. To be one person, whether alone or in a chaotic crowd and to witness the act of separation should it happen.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Halt your attempts to pass on what you yourself cannot follow.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Life

"If anyone would come after me, he must pick up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good is it if a man gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit his very self." Luke 9:23-25

I were a silver cross and chain around my neck. I do not wear it on the outside, for if I did, my ego would get involved and I have enough of that. I wear it close to my heart. I know where it is. I also know how difficult it is. My friend Mark stated, in a group discussion last Saturday, "Thank God there is another way." "If anyone would come after me," implies that there is effort involved. It also declares that anyone is eligible and should you choose this way today, that you are not unique and you must forfeit such ideas. This is oneness with all things, not separate. It is He who has prepared the way for you. It is a time for conscious celebration. r

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wind Chimes

Wind chimes are heaven's door bells. They remind us there is something higher we should be doing. r

Monday, March 7, 2011

To Want the Life

To hear the wind again and be undivided is truly a blessing from God. I would rather be chained to a chair at the gates of hell than to be artificially slumped over a fence of melancholy and seperation. Everything is necessary. Everything is relevant. Momentum is pertinent and the Calvary always arrives. r

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I must learn to watch my thoughts. I must know the way. Within these thoughts are great armies, disguised and embedded. They look to attach. They look for me to think I am them. These are not the thoughts of a madman or a wise man, they are simply passing clouds. Do I intentionally desire this noise? Many times I resolute myself, in a promise to do so, only to fall back to sleep. Watch, just watch. r