Sunday, April 18, 2010

No Answers

Do not be alarmed or perplexed with your next dilemma. Your next step has always been a choreographed and hurried search for an immediate answer. Nothing lasting has ever come, but you still profess to know. You are good at this, but you are rehearsed and purely mechanical, logical at best. You always vainly scream for help, but no one hears you. What if you did nothing on the eve of your problem? What if you got as silent, as quiet and as motionless as you could possibly get? What if you raised your consciousness, your level of awareness, and allowed yourself to exist with yourself and not flee or escape to a premeditated and known remedy? This time you have no solution. You do not have permission to assume. Your mind can not be permitted to presume. Can you take it? Will you take it? Can you stop the dreaming and the scheming? Can you stop the crying out? Do you really think it will hurt that much? Do you really think it can hurt you? Do not be distracted by the noise of the problem. Simply stop and be still. r

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