Thursday, February 17, 2011

Is It Live Or Is It Memorex?

I awoke this morning troubled, so my program kicked in (after what seemed months) and begin to look for the source of trouble. I looked over there, under this and behind that. I could not touch it. I could not see it and I could not hear it. I begin to investigate as to the location of this great and evil power, but could not find any source nor any real connection. I gazed around the room, in which I sat, but could find nothing. Where was it? I have felt this "presence" on numerous occasions, but could only attach a physical symptom. I could find no source. Many times, in the presence of this unknown, I have taken or executed several known remedies to alleviate this presence. They did not help, but merely delayed such re-occurrences. I could find no army. I could find no name. I could not cut away any abnormality. I remember as a child how I would pretend and daydream. Now that I am older, my day dreaming has turned into nightmares. When age presents itself with cynicism, it is no wonder that years spent in illusion, now, begin to haunt. Solomon once said, "Do not wait until you get old to gain wisdom, because then you will not see so well, hear so well or walk so well." I came across something that Christ said, in Matthew 12:44, ah, eureka! If there is contempt, prior to investigation, nothing is gained. As long as I tread along a spiritual line, the answers always come. That is what I am most thankful for. r

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