Thursday, February 24, 2011


The only time my wife's snoring bothers me is when I am not sleeping.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Come Back To Yourself

I see you have been away. How was the trip? What great things were accomplished and more importantly, what do you remember? I was surprised to see you go. There are wonderful things around the corner. I watched how closely and familiar things were becoming. I am not surprised by your exit, but I knew you would come back. I now know that about you. It is okay. These things happen when you force your hand. There seems to be so much out there, but even in it's epitome, things never culminate, they just kind of spin around. It requires a large amount of energy and excitement to keep those things going. I would imagine it has become boring, redundant and unyeilding, that is why you are back here. I am glad. I have missed you. Let us go a little more slowly this time. Try not to get too serious with things. You can start where you are. I have never required more than that. What you have gained, whether you are aware of it or not, is of great importance. It is the backbone. It will remind you of why you have chosen to work along a different line. Be more alert, but remain still. Take one concept at a time, daily. You cannot do it all at once, but you cannot remain idle either. Be more aware of the tapestry. Try not to focus so much on a single thread. I am glad you have decided to come back to yourself. Let us get started ... r

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Is It Live Or Is It Memorex?

I awoke this morning troubled, so my program kicked in (after what seemed months) and begin to look for the source of trouble. I looked over there, under this and behind that. I could not touch it. I could not see it and I could not hear it. I begin to investigate as to the location of this great and evil power, but could not find any source nor any real connection. I gazed around the room, in which I sat, but could find nothing. Where was it? I have felt this "presence" on numerous occasions, but could only attach a physical symptom. I could find no source. Many times, in the presence of this unknown, I have taken or executed several known remedies to alleviate this presence. They did not help, but merely delayed such re-occurrences. I could find no army. I could find no name. I could not cut away any abnormality. I remember as a child how I would pretend and daydream. Now that I am older, my day dreaming has turned into nightmares. When age presents itself with cynicism, it is no wonder that years spent in illusion, now, begin to haunt. Solomon once said, "Do not wait until you get old to gain wisdom, because then you will not see so well, hear so well or walk so well." I came across something that Christ said, in Matthew 12:44, ah, eureka! If there is contempt, prior to investigation, nothing is gained. As long as I tread along a spiritual line, the answers always come. That is what I am most thankful for. r

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Marked Key

It is impossible to know contentment as long as you desire stimulation and purpose. What do you want? You cannot have both. r

Friday, February 11, 2011

Children's Chewable Vitamins

When we are sick, we should rest and not take something to put us where we think we should be. There is much to learn when we forfeit our stand on the podium. Your ideas about yourself are hurting you. They have made you ill because, although you think you know what is best for you, you are wrong. This is a chance to be still and to not fight with anyone or anything. This is an opportunity to see that it is not what we do that is important. It is giving us another opportunity to slow down and become conscious. To be aware of ourselves as we are. No one lives their life knowing what they are doing. They live for the future, in the next sensation or the next result. They sacrifice themselves daily, driven towards things other people have said are precious and these beliefs are making them ill. Wake up and stop believing you are them and that their ideas are right. No one likes now, especially you! Now, to most is, at best, uncomfortable. You can start Now by embracing your discomfort. Leave yourself alone for awhile and get well. r

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Inspector Gadget

The I has accomplished many wonderful things. There is an array of awards, trophies, certificates, medallions and possessions. They are sentimental at best. To leave them standing alone, and by themselves, is hard to do. They are reminders and memories and must be left where they are. They cannot enter today and must be left behind, for now, for good or for worse. Watchfulness must be consistent and observation passive. To find contentment with the unknown in the midst of the present. r

Friday, February 4, 2011

To Mike

Hey Mike, I shipped your scales. They said Monday. No one ever bothers me. I enjoy the company of every human being I have ever known. I can get something from even the mean and condescending. Send me your website info, I will buy something from you. No problem. Do you really think we own anything, that things are ours? We just distribute with one another, we do not own anything. Everything will work out for you. Keep the goods things like kindness, love and understanding. Let everything else go, especially hatred and worry. By the way, I have a concealed handgun license and carry a Taurus 1911SS. I hope I never have to use it. Randall


What ever you were coming into this, on certain levels, you still are. Be willing to progress along a different line. A line that is not of that, but that you faintly see in the rear view mirror. r

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Negative feedback is about the choices they make, not the ones you give them. r

Lone Wolf

I noticed something about this fellow that appeared different. He had a passionate way about him and exercised it in everything he did. There was nothing short in his desire for living. He experienced and accomplished many great things in his life, but they never seemed to satisfy him. There was an arrogance about him too, yet, he would never look you in the eye. His stature was larger than his medium build. Even in his older age, he was very fit and you could see that he prided himself in his appearance. They say these things are common in Texans. There was an openness about him. I don't believe he ever met a stranger. He was kind and helpful to people. Not an open, blatant giver, but one who chooses his own action with precision and, most importantly, completion. He often felt guilty for not doing more. He had a keen sense of knowing where the deficits were. His greatest obstacles, however, came when he was alone. He was easy to read. His inner conflict matched his outer persona. He remained fixed in his quests. He would never waiver from what he believed. He would openly and verbally describe where he stood. He threw no punches. I liked that about him.
He was not from around here. You could peer deeply at him and not see one ounce of pride. It was as if he knew pride once, but it had been stripped from him. You could sense an unguided anger about that. There was a nonviolent air about him also, but I would shy away from backing him into a corner. He loved pistols and would often carry one, but you knew he hoped he would never have to use it. He came from a rough and rugged childhood, like a secret society you can never understand or belong. He never used it as a trump card nor allow himself to be lumped into a genre. This was considered commonplace to him. If there were an ounce of pride, you would find it here. His father passed a while back, but he would never speak of him. There was a quiet resentment present accompanied by an unspoken forgiveness. He had family, but only visited from time to time. His life had evolved and it no longer included them. He was always a bit saddened by this.
He raised two children and was very fond of his relationship with his wife. He encouraged education and the attainment of knowledge. Both children received college degrees. He and his wife had four between them. Though not the scholarly type, he was nothing short of a master in all that he found precious. He was a survivor. He fancied music and the arts. He was a builder and creator. These attributes he held on the highest of pedestals and possessed very little sentimentality. He exhausted this talents to the fullest. A jack of all trades, master of none. It was rare that he ever returned to anything that he had tried or mastered. There was always something new to see, something different to do. He often had great spells of anguish and depression if there were no obstacles to overcome. Though he lived a passionate life, he found no sense of accomplishment or direction when he set out to conquer his spiritual side. This was his greatest blunder. He could do pretty much anything he set his mind to, but this remains his greatest obstacle: Understanding himself. Maybe this is where he will finish. Maybe this will be his last hurrah, but don't tell him that. r