Monday, December 24, 2012

How To Discontinue Painkillers

I am not a healthcare professional. I am not a doctor.  I am an addict who has experienced multiple withdrawals from painkillers.  Remember this fact as you read through the article: The end is near.  You have already experienced this inkling, maybe a desperate thought that is now coming to you more and more.  The end means that your supply and use must end.  It means that you are taking more to get the same sensation that you had when it was first introduced to you.  This progressive stoppage is for all who are using painkillers, whether you want to stop now or not. What is important is that you know that you are not alone and that the end is near and that anyone can get free from it.  There is going to be some not-so-happy days.  Expect this, it is very normal.  There is going to be some depression, but we must try to limit the severity of what I call, "The Crushing Chest."  Here is how to stop taking painkillers (reprise):

1. Tell someone what you would like to do, that you want to quit and that you need help.  Choose your doctor, a trusted friend, a priest or a family member.  This will open a positive gate for you and will give you someone you can talk to.  You must talk. 

2. Tell your doctor you think you have a problem and you need help getting off of it.  You need a reduction plan that is slow and systematic. Expect a withdrawal period. Do not take this personally, it is just the drugs leaving your body.  You body will defend abrupt changes because it has been fed at the receptor sites and has adjusted to the level of drugs it has been given. The longer you used, the longer it will take to get off.  You can get free of any time period. The higher you have been the lower you must go, but freedom is real, I know. 

3. Do Not Stop Abruptly, it is not worth it and will make it harder to discontinue the drug.  If you are at the end of your prescription and do not have refills, this is the magical time to tell your doctor. They will understand.  Don't play God.  You will probably not be able to quit on your own.  Slowly ease your intake even if someone has to call you out.  This is for your own good. This will also prevent The Crushing Chest.

4.  You may need treatment if your use has been for a long period of time. Do it.  My visit to rehab saved my life and the recovery gave me the tools to live by and respond positively if I had withdrawal symptoms.

5.  Water, water, water.  This flushes the system.

6.  Hot baths and showers.  Yes they work.  You cannot take too many.

7. Walk, walk, and walk.  This helps to clear the cobwebs.  It also helps flush the system and creates positive and healthy feeling vibes that are natural and recondition the body and mind.  Get out of bed and off the couch.  Be willing to take small and smaller steps, don't rush.

8. Your addiction is a prideful state which, however, you are not responsible for.  Your asking for help and following the suggestions, is. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Spiritual Towers

"You dilengently study the scriptures because you think by them you have eternal life. These are the scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life." If you would see how easily the evil one pulls down the spiritual towers you have made for yourself, then you would know: You can do nothing by yourself and this also can be added: You can do nothing for yourself. Dare you go deeper? r

Friday, September 16, 2011

Pissing On Today

Have you noticed how your ego, that self that you logically and mechanically live from, cannot llive in the present? It wants to, but it can't. Do you see how it leads you away? It leads you to yesterday (the way things used to be) or tomorrow (things that could be or revisited). It is good at dreaming and hoping, but it cannot live in right now. It lives just outside (to the split second) of before and after. No wonder we are so messed up. We are constantly dreaming and hoping for a state we never, ever allow ourselves to visit. HMMMMM.... r

Thursday, June 23, 2011

In Justice There's None

Be careful in what Truth you feel you should pass on. You might not be able to handle their persecution. If this Truth you think you have is justified or real, why do you feel somebody else should have or hear it? Why would a person in Truth, subject themselves to the possibility of something that is not of it? it could only be for the sake of argument or padding the identity to be right. It is because they are not in Truth, they are residing in their ego self disguised as being helpful or purposeful and have not, as yet, fully understood it's meaning. Enough of this nonsense. You still fear the idea that you are alone, don't you? Trudge carefully. Leave people alone and find your own way.

Monday, June 6, 2011


As I come in from a hard ride, there is a chair outside my front door. I lean my bike against a tree and I sit. As the endorphins rush in to greet me, I am very comfortable with my efforts. I am thankful for the wonderful opportunity to which I have been given. The endorphins leave and I lay exhausted. The body is at rest and the mind rejuvenated, but there is something else. There is a moment of connection. There is a point to which I am connected with the One, wonderful universe. I know and see the one life and I am truly with myself.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ta boot

"...kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town, waiting for something or someone to show you the way..." Time - Pink Floyd